Chapter Two-3

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Sir Alec cracked a huge grin. “That’s the way the game’s played my boy! Sink or swim, and you were doing freestyle tonight! Well done!” Just as he clapped me on the back Laura came back from the bathroom. Sir Alec turned to her and beamed. “Ah, the lovely Laura! Please join us, my dear. What do you think of your young man’s performance tonight? I thought the age of chivalry was dead, so it was very gratifying to hear him acknowledge his lovely guest.” “I was very proud of him, Sir Alec,” Laura said, blushing again. “And I’m also proud that he did some small justice to your achievements. I’m such an admirer of what you’ve done. I feel strongly that genetic fingerprinting has revolutionized the way crimes against women are handled.” “Beautiful and gracious too, what do you see in this scruffbag? My goodness if I were thirty years younger…” he paused dramatically, but Laura beat him to the punch line. “You’d still be old enough to be my father?” she asked innocently. Sir Alec actually bent double with laughter at that. In fact, he wasn’t that old but it was stunning put-down and beautifully delivered. Laura blushed again at her success and took another sip of wine. I was on the same stuff, and it was a lot nicer than the revolting stuff we’d been served with earlier. It was a heavily oaked Chardonnay. Very nice, but it occurred to me Amy would hate it. “Actually, Sir Alec, John is more man than I can handle sometimes,” she continued. “Our relationship is purely based on sex.” Sir Alec was halfway through sipping his drink, and the remark really did catch him out. I saw him desperately trying to swallow his wine, and not quite succeeding. He managed to turn his head to one side before spraying Professor Patel’s wall with a mouthful of white wine. Laura looked crestfallen. She realized perhaps she’d gone a bit too far and embarrassed the Sir Alec with a crude remark. In fact his shoulders were already heaving with laughter as he brought himself upright. Now that I could see he was OK, I hurried to the bar area and grabbed some paper napkins and a glass of still water. As I got back his face was beginning to return to a normal color. Laura was patting his back gamely, and apologizing for her crudeness. “You must be kidding, my dear!” Sir Alec assured her. “I wasn’t shocked. You just caught me by surprise. I didn’t expect something as bawdy to come from the lips of an angel. I see you have hidden depths of depravity, my dear! Quite delightful!” He turned to me and thanked me for the glass of water. I quickly patted the wall down with the napkins. Fortunately he’d been drinking white wine! “Oh, she’s a gem, young man. You need to make sure you don’t disappoint her,” he told me. “I work very hard not to, sir, believe me,” I assured him. At that point Professor Patel rescued us and dragged Sir Alec away to socialize. He gave me a hearty pat on the back before he left. “Everyone keeps slapping me on the back! I’m going to be black and blue by the time we get back,” I said to Laura. She pushed me back against the wall and lowered her mouth onto mine. “I thought I’d taken care of that earlier,” she whispered. “Are you telling me you need another going over with these heels, slave?” I shuddered with the delicious memory of that pain. After she’d released me from the kiss I said. “Oh, yes please, Mistress, but perhaps not just yet!” She kissed me again and I tasted the cool wine that lingered in her mouth. As she pulled back, I noticed one of the wives looking disapprovingly at us. But I also noticed three or four of the husbands grinning. As the oldies got a few glasses of booze inside them, the party started to warm up. Laura was asked to dance by a couple of the senior dignitaries then I managed to grab her for a slow dance. I told her again and again how beautiful she was, and how lucky I felt to be with her. I told her that all the pain she and Christine had inflicted on me was only a down payment on what I felt I owed her for the pleasure of this evening. I told her I loved her, and I worshipped her. Laura kissed me gently on my cheek, and on my lips. I kept her for the next dance too; I never wanted to let her go. But two minutes into the song, one of my Organic Chemistry lecturers tripped over and dumped the contents of his wine glass into the hi fi. There was a small “pop” and the music was no more. There was a collective groan from the guests and Professor Patel hurried over to see how much damage had been done to his rather expensive looking music system. “Oh, such a shame,” one of the ladies said. “We need some music.” In the corner of the room was an electric keyboard. “Does anybody mind if I play the piano for us all?” Laura asked. “Oh, but we insist, lassie!” Professor Spencer said enthusiastically, and almost carried her over to the keyboard. One of Laura’s teaching subjects is music, and her instrument is the piano. She quickly cranked up the keyboard and suddenly a rather tipsy Professor Patel was singing along to “The Way We Were”, serenading his equally tipsy wife. As she played song after song, Laura downed a series of drinks that were brought to her by a string of admirers. Earlier I’d suggested that she switch to tonic water at midnight because you can always pretend that it’s Vodka and Tonic to other people. But that old sod Spencer was fetching most of her drinks and I wasn’t sure what he’d put in them. I wanted to keep a closer eye on Laura, but I’d been cornered by Spencer’s surprisingly charming wife, Jenny. She was a lovely lady in her early fifties I suppose, and she’d been chatting to Laura on the way over in the car. “I was talking to your young lady earlier,” she reminded me. “What a lovely girl she is. She reminds me so much of an ecobiology undergrad that I knew when I was at Durham.” “Oh really?” I asked, wondering how I could get away without appearing too rude. “Yes. She and I had a rather torrid affair in our final year there. It was quite special. I was wondering if Laura likes to go with girls too. There’s just something about her that seems so familiar to me.” To my credit I managed to keep a straight face. In fact I thought it was quite wonderful that this middle aged lady would open up like this to me – even if she was totally sloshed. “Well, Mrs. Spencer...” I began. “It’s Doctor Spencer actually, well Doctor Birch because I go by my maiden name professionally you see. But you should call me Jenny. I think I’d like that.” She wobbled a bit uncertainly and I held out my hand to steady her. She took the opportunity to lean into me. “Well Jenny,” I continued. “Can you keep a secret?” “Actually, no,” she slurred, and I laughed out loud. “Oh, well I’m going to tell you anyway,” I persisted. “Your gaydar is correct. Laura actually lives with another schoolteacher, Christine, and we have a sort of arrangement.” “Oooh. Do tell!” Jenny cooed. I continued my revelation. “During the week, when I’m here, Laura and Christine can be together. You know what I mean by that, right?” Jenny nodded. “And then for most weekends, either I visit them, or Laura comes to visit me here, or we meet somewhere else. And when I’m with Laura, well… then we’re together.” “Oh, my goodness!” Jenny observed. “What an incredibly sensible arrangement!” “Well it seems to suit us so far,” I told her, “but I must say I’m a bit worried about where it’s going. The circumstances have to change at some stage, and who knows what will happen.” “You’re a very sensible young man. You’re right to be aware of it, but I think you need to enjoy the moment. All relationships at your age tend to be rather…ephemeral. Most of us don’t know how to handle that you know,” Jenny said. Her head was now leaning on my shoulder. Suddenly her hand drifted over my crotch – clearly not by accident. “My goodness that’s hard!” she chuckled – a fog of alcohol fumes drifting into my face. I don’t know if I was flushed with success, or what. It wasn’t the booze – I’d been on orange juice for a couple of hours. But I decided to say, “Jenny, that’s not my penis.” “Oh? Then what is it?” she asked, squeezing harder and looking surprised at what she found. “Jenny, I need to ask for your discretion on this matter. First, would you mind taking your hand away from my crotch before Professor Spencer sees us? I really think that might affect my marks in his class!” She blinked at me but didn’t move her hand. “Please Jenny?” I pressed. Finally she removed her hand – clearly puzzled by the information I was leaking out to her. “Do you know what a male chastity device is, Jenny?” I asked. I noticed her eyes didn’t seem to be able to focus on me. “Not as such, but I do have a PhD in Ergonomic Design so you can assume I know what the individual words mean. You’re telling me you’re wearing a chastity belt for a man?” “Not exactly a belt as such. This is a plastic device that locks around the base of my scrotum and covers my p***s. It’s secured with a padlock and, amongst other things it prevents me from m**********g. In particular it means I’m totally unable to be unfaithful to Laura.” Jenny now had this goofy ‘you cannot be serious’ sort of grin on her face. “Jenny!” I admonished before she could blurt something out, “Please remember I did ask you to keep this secret – just between you and me.” “Gosh, John, that’s absolutely fascinating,” she said at last. “But please tell me why a perfectly healthy young man like you would subject himself to such a thing! It’s certainly not natural. I’m referring here to the reproductive imperative, of course. Surely men want s*x – need s*x in fact!” “It’s complicated,” I sighed gently. “It involves both Laura and Christine, and a lot of roleplay. But whatever my situation is, it’s what I choose it to be. This device may be padlocked to me, but at the end of the day it’s only a bit of plastic. I can remove it even without the key.” “You mean you don’t have the key yourself?” Jenny looked quite shocked. “Of course not, that would defeat the purpose, surely.” “Which is?” she continued. To my own surprise I proceeded to describe the whole situation with Laura, the arrival of Christine, and even the incident with Tony. Jenny was totally engrossed. We had been talking for about half an hour, and we’d visited the bar several times. I noticed that she’d also switched to orange juices and while she wasn’t getting more sober, she seemed not to be getting any drunker. I also noticed that there was a large crowd around Laura’s piano now. She was singing Lilly Marlene and suddenly there was a roar of approval from the men as she hitched up her skirt, stuck one of her long legs out of the side of the keyboard and showed a generous stretch of thigh above her stocking tops. Jesus Christ! Finally she took a break. I checked my watch, and to my amazement saw it was almost three in the morning! These old farts knew how to party, that was for sure! I moved through the crowd of men around Laura and leaned in to whisper “You are the star of the evening, but my darling Cinderella, we really have to go!” I ordered a taxi and the lady on the phone promised it would be there in fifteen minutes. So we took the chance to say our goodbyes to our hosts and Professor Jeffreys, and Laura was required to give them one last performance. She was lifted onto the dining table by three professors – Spencer amongst them – and she sang “Memory”, from Cats scapula. She really was very good. I was sober and thought so. The old farts were legless and must have thought she was amazing. In the taxi home Laura cuddled up to me and whispered, “Darling, I had a wonderful time this evening. You were amazing. Everyone said so. And you were so sweet to mention me in your speech.” “I was just proud to be seen with you. You charmed everyone. Honestly Laura, you look like a movie star in that outfit. And they were totally wowed by your performances.”
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