Chapter 9

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Eva Its been 3 days since the wedding night and Lorenzo was yet to return home. I felt lonely in this huge yet empty mansion. I missed the warmth and comfort of my childhood home which seemed worlds away now. I had already explored the estate. It has everything in it, his office, pool, gym, library, home theater and so much more. It had three master bedroom and 5 normal.I don't know who would be staying in those . I spend my day by watching some series or reading the books in library. It had so much of variety in it! Wow!But i only like romance that too erotic.Don't judge me me but that was the only thrilling thing in my life.I was not allowed to use social media being a mafia princess. So ya my life is boring. As I sat on the island stool in my shorts and shirt , enjoying my breakfast and chatting with the head maid Lina,she was my new friend, I heard the front door opening , Lorenzo entered the house, I could feel his presence before I even saw him. His footsteps were heavy, echoing through the hallway as he made his way towards us. I tried to keep my composure, but my heart raced in anticipation of what was to come. As he approached, I could see the steely determination in his eyes. There was no warmth or kindness there, only a coldness that sent shivers down my spine. I forced a smile and greeted him politely, but his response was curt and dismissive. As I continued to eat my breakfast, i wondered where he was for so long. Was it mafia business or something else or someone else. It was no doubt that Lorenzo was a attractive man. I'm sure woman would die to be with him. I felt a pang of hurt imagining him with somebody , i don't know why. After having my breakfast,i was now in front of Lorenzo's room I nervously fidgeted with the hem of my shirt as I stood in front of Lorenzo's room. I knocked on the door my heart beating faster than normal. As the door opened, my eyes widened as I saw him standing there in only a towel, beads of water still clinging to his skin. His muscular frame,his tattoos running from his neck down to his arm and the way the towel hung low on his hips made my breath catch in my throat. I couldn't help but stare, my cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "Is there something you wanted, or did you just come to admire the view?"Lorenzo smirked, breaking the silence. "L-Lorenzo, can I speak with you for a moment?" I said, my voice a bit shaky. "Come in," he said moving into his room. Lorenzo turned towards me, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he noticed my discomfort. "What is it, Eva?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "I...I need to go out to buy some toiletries," I managed to say, forcing my eyes to his, my voice barely above a whisper. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment at the awkwardness of the situation. Lorenzo raised an eyebrow. "And you couldn't wait until I was dressed?" he teased, enjoying my flustered state. I bit my lip, feeling even more self-conscious under his gaze. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I just...I need to go out," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. Lorenzo said studying me for a moment, "And why do you need to go out for toiletries? Can't you ask Lina to pick them up for you?" I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. I knew that Lorenzo's controlling nature would not take kindly to my going out without his approval. "I...I prefer to choose my own products," I finally managed to say. Lorenzo's expression hardened. "Fine. You may go," he said curtly. "But be back before lunchtime. I don't want you wandering around for too long and you'll have my man Dino with you all the time." I nodded and turned to leave his room trying not to meet my eyes with his bare body. I quickly made my escape from the room, relief flooding through me as I closed the door behind me. As I hurried down the hallway to my room, I couldn't help but feel embarrassment. _____ After quickly changing into some decent clothes I got down the stairs .Lorenzo was having his breakfast on the island stool. "Eva, come here " Lorenzo called out. I approached cautiously, unsure of what to expect. I stood in front of him, fidgeting nervously with my hands. His tone surprisingly soft. "Take this," he said, handing her a sleek black card. "Buy whatever you need. And don't worry about the cost." My eyes widened in surprise as I took the card from him, my mind racing with disbelief. "But...Lorenzo, I can't accept this," I protested, feeling overwhelmed by his unexpected generosity. I had my card which Papa handed me before wedding. And it had quiet a amount of money. "Just take it Eva"he said sternly looking at me. I was speechless, my heart swelling with gratitude towards Lorenzo. I felt a warmth spreading through me as I realized that perhaps there was more to him than just his cold exterior. "Thank you, Lorenzo," I whispered,with gratitude. Lorenzo simply nodded. As I headed out to go shopping, I couldn't shake off the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Lorenzo. Dino, my bodyguard for today was standing in front of the car waiting for me. A sleek looking luxurious car waiting for me.I climbed into the it. Dino sat behind the wheel, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. He exuded an aura of danger, his sharp features and steely eyes giving off an air of intensity. "Um, hi Dino," I began tentatively, trying to break the ice. "How are you today?" Dino glanced at me briefly, his expression unreadable. "Fine Mam," he replied curtly, his tone clipped. "Ohh please call me Eva and I, uh, wanted to thank you for looking out for me," I continued, my voice wavering slightly. "I know you're here to protect me, and I appreciate it." Dino remained silent his grip tight on the steering . "I...I was wondering if we could maybe talk .I'd like to get to know you better, Dino." Dino's eyes flickered towards me, a hint of surprise flashing across his face. He seemed taken aback by my openness. After a moment of tense silence, Dino finally spoke, his voice gruff yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. "What do you want to know Eva?" My face lit up with a smile as I launched into a series of questions, eager to learn more about the man who was tasked with protecting me. I asked about his background and his experiences as a Lorenzo's man. To my surprise, Dino began to open up, sharing snippets of his life that revealed a softer side beneath his tough exterior. By the time we reached the store, I felt a newfound sense of friendship with him. I thanked him for the conversation, a genuine smile gracing his lips. Dino nodded in acknowledgment,"You're welcome, Eva," he said gruffly. "Anytime." I stepped out of the car moving into the store. Dino was some good distance behind me following me everywhere i go. But never once I felt like he was invading my privacy. After I was done we came back home, I bidded goodbye to Dino,happy about making a second friend here.
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