Chapter 1

956 Words
Eva As I sat at my window, reading a book, the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the curtains, I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. Homeschooling had always been my reality, a choice made by my parents to protect me from the dangers of the outside world. But as the years passed, I longed for the companionship of friends, for the laughter and chatter that echoed through school hallways. I was different from other kids my age - sheltered and innocent, with a heart full of kindness and a spirit untouched by the harshness of the world. My days were spent in solitude, studying and learning, my only company the characters in the books I devoured with a hunger for knowledge. Sometimes, I would gaze out of my window at the children playing in the park, their laughter like music to my ears. I yearned to join them, to share in their joy , but fear held me back. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of stepping out of my safe bubble into the unknown. But despite my loneliness, I never lost my optimism or my faith in the goodness of people. And so, as I closed my book and prepared to go down in the kitchen and prepare myself some snacks my brother Ivan entered in my room without knocking which he always did and it irritated me so much. He is 5 years elder than me which gives him the 'right to irritate' me as he says(eye roll) . "Hey Ev! Did i disturb you? No right. Thats fine" He said answering his own questions making me roll my eyes at him. "What is it? You need something?"I asked him "Nope. It just that Papa's called you to his office. And don't ask me why because I don't know"He answers backing off and going to the door. "Okay. I'll be there" I told him as he closed the door behind him walking off. _____ I sat nervously in my father's study, my hands clasped tightly in my lap as I awaited his news. I knew that my father is a powerful figure and the boss of Russian Mafia which is second largest mafia and had been in negotiations with another mafia family for a alliances. But I never expected the bombshell he was about to drop. "Eva, my dear," my father began, his voice grave and serious. "I have come to a decision regarding your future." My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him, my eyes wide with apprehension. "What is it, father?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "You are to be married," he stated simply, his gaze unwavering. "To Lorenzo De Luca ." My breath caught in my throat at the mention of Lorenzo's name. I have heard of him - the cold and ruthless Italian mafia boss who has the biggest mafia in the world. His very name struck fear into the hearts of men. I knew of his reputation, of the darkness that surrounded him like a shroud. And now, I was to be bound to him in marriage. "Lorenzo?" I repeated, my voice tinged with disbelief. "But...Papa, he is known to be...cruel." My father nodded solemnly, his expression unreadable. "I am aware of his reputation, Eva. But this marriage is necessary for the alliance between our families. It is for the greater good." I felt a wave of despair wash over me as the reality of my situation sank in. I was to be married to a man I barely knew, a man whose very presence sent shivers down my spine. I felt a sense of helplessness, of being trapped in a web of fate and tradition. "But what about love? What about m-my happiness , Papa? I am just 18 and I've just completed school" I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion.I somewhere or the other knew this day would come where I'll be arranged to somebody for alliance but i never knew it would happen so soon. My father's gaze softened slightly as he reached out to take my hand in his. "My dear Eva, love is not always a luxury we can afford in our world. Sometimes, duty and honor must come before personal desires. You must understand that this marriage is not just for you, but for our family and our legacy." I felt tears prickle at the corners of my eyes as I struggled to accept my fate. I knew that there was no turning back now, that I was bound by duty and tradition to a man I feared and despised. As I looked into my father's eyes, I saw a flicker of regret and sadness reflected back at me. I knew that he too bore the weight of our circumstances, that he too had sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of our family. And in that moment, I realized that I am not alone in my struggle. That perhaps, in the darkness of their world cloaked in shadows and secrets, there was a glimmer of understanding and compassion that could offer solace in the face of an uncertain future. With a heavy heart, I nodded silently, accepting my fate with a sense of resignation. For better or for worse, I was bound to Lorenzo now - the cold mafia boss who held my future in his hands. And as I braced myself for the unknown path that lay ahead, I knew that the only way forward was to embrace the union forged by fate and tradition, no matter how cold and unforgiving it may be. I headed straight up to my room locking me in and crying myself to sleep.
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