Chapter 3

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Eva Right now I'm standing in front of the mirror, my hands trembling as I adjusted the delicate pearls around my neck. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves that threatened to overwhelm me. Tonight was the night I would meet my arranged fiancé and his parents for the first time, and the weight of expectations hung heavy in the air. I was wearing a sleeveless bodycon white dress with a slit going down my left mid thigh.I had a pearl necklace around my neck, my hair was let loose as it reached my waist. As i smoothed down the fabric of my elegant dress, i couldn't shake the feeling of intimidation that gnawed at my insides. I had heard stories of my fiancé's cold demeanor, his aloofness and sharp tongue that cut through any pretense of warmth or kindness. The thought of facing him, of trying to forge a connection with a man i barely knew, sent a shiver down my spine. As i applied a light touch of makeup to my cheeks, my mind raced with doubts and fears. But I would face this evening with courage and grace, with a determination to stay true to myself and my family no matter what. And as i took one final look in the mirror, meeting my own gaze my mother gasped from behind me "you look beautiful ,darling" she exclaimed kissing me lightly on my cheek. I thanked her as she fixed my hair a bit. There was a knock on the door, as my father entered my room .He looked at me with pride shining in his eyes. "Eva," he began, his voice filled with affection, "thank you for listening to me and agreeing for this marriage. It means a lot." I smiled warmly, "Of course, Dad. " "And you look absolutely stunning tonight," he continued, his gaze softening as he admired my appearance. Blushing slightly, I replied, "Thank you, Dad. I wanted to look nice for dinner." My father hugged me lightly kissing me on forehead . "Well, you've certainly succeeded. You always manage to brighten up any room." My heart swelled with happiness at my father's words. His praise meant more to me than any compliment from others. We were all gathered and talking in living room waiting for the guest. As the clock struck seven, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the devil himself and his parents.My brother passed me a reassuring look. My heart raced sending a jolt of nervous energy through me .I smoothed down my dress for the tenth time.Taking a deep breath I made my way to the entrance hall where my family awaited our guests. My father opened the door . Standing on the porch were two smiling faces, holding bouquet of sunflowers. Giovanni De Luca (Lorenzo's father) was tall and distinguished, with silver hair. Maria De Luca (Lorenzo's mother) was petite and warm, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she looked me with an appraising gaze. "You must be Eva!" Mrs. De Luca exclaimed, stepping forward and embracing me in a hug that was surprisingly strong. I laughed, the tension easing from my shoulders. " Thats right,it's so nice to finally meet you Mrs De Luca"I said back. "Ohh, come on dear call me Maria"She said."Okay. Maria" I laughed a bit while responding . "Hello Mr De Luca it's nice to meet you" his father chuckled a bit , shaking my hand warmly. " It's nice to meet you too Eva"he said back. Then both of them proceeded to meet my mother and father greeting them. And i was met with the most beautiful shade of green eyes staring right back at me. His Italian heritage was evident in his features - olive skin, a strong jawline dusted with just a hint of stubble, and thick, dark hair. He's expressions as cold ass ice. But it was his eyes that truly captivated me a startling, piercing green, flecked with gold, that seemed to see right through you. His physique was a testament to years of disciplined training, every inch honed to a dangerous edge. The crisp white linen shirt and suit coat he wore did little to hide the breadth of his shoulders and the corded muscles beneath. Intricate tattoos, glimpses of ink and shadow, snaked around his neck and disappeared beneath the shirt. They were a captivating contradiction to the tailored elegance of his clothes and faint scent of expensive cologne a dangerous allure that both intrigued and intimidated. He cleared his throat . I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks as he caught me staring at him "Eva," he stated, his voice a flat, emotionless drawl. It wasn't a question, but a confirmation. "Lorenzo," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the tremor that ran through me. "Welcome to our home." He didn't move, didn't offer a greeting or a smile. He simply studied me, his gaze intense and unnervingly perceptive. I felt a blush creep up her neck under his scrutiny, acutely aware of my own pounding heart and the way my simple dress suddenly felt childish and naive. "My father assures me you understand the arrangement," Lorenzo said, his voice low and laced with steel. "There will be no room for childish emotions or ...complications." I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. The air seemed to crackle with unspoken threats. "I understand," I whispered, my voice barely audible. He inclined his head, a curt gesture that was more dismissal than acceptance. "Good." He turned away then entering the living room joining others. I stood frozen, the weight of his presence, heavy and cold, pressing down on me like a physical force. In that moment, surrounded by the familiar comfort of my childhood home, I felt truly, terrifyingly alone. I let out a sigh, joining them too. The men had left to my father's office to discuss some business I guess about the alliance. So we ladies were in the living room sitting on the couch as my mother and Maria were planning for the wedding preparations. After some time the man were out in the living room so my mother called me to help her in the kitchen to serve the dinner.The maids had already prepared the food.So Ivan called everyone for dinner . Everybody took their seats and unfortunately I was left with the seat opposite Lorenzo.As I sat and devoured my food I felt somebody starte at me I lifted my head to meet his eyes boring holes into me. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and tried to distract myself by playing with the fork in my hand. His family members had mingled well with mine and were planning and discussing our wedding preparations. By the end of the night, as we bid our guests farewell, I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment wash over me. As I watched them drive away into the night, I knew that this was only the beginning of a new chapter in my life - one filled with challenges and uncertainties. And as our parents had decided that the wedding will be in a month's time I sighed in my mind at the thought of my wedding. 'My Wedding '
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