have to face him

1678 Words
Nora's POV ''Hybrid king?'' I asked, stunned at the revelation. ''Don't tell me you didn't know,'' Dora asked, but I shook my head. I don't know anyone, and I'm not the social media type; I'm always buried in books in my room. ''Shocking.'' Dora said, giving me a suspicious look, ''Everyone knows him, and we also know that….'' She tried speaking, but I cut her off, ''I don't wanna know anything about him. I just want to go home.'' I murmured and saw the curious gaze of Dora on me. ''Why were you running away?'' She asked, ''Because I feel suffocated in there. Don't worry, you can go in, and I'll get a taxi home.'' I lied and saw the worried look on her face. ''Are you sure you are okay?'' She asked, worried. ''Yes, I am. Now you have to go in while I go home. We will talk later.'' With those words, I placed a kiss on her cheek and made my way out of the hotel. While waiting for a taxi, I couldn't help but hear his angry voice in my head. He hates me without even getting to know me. A taxi stopped, and I hopped in. ''So what do we do?'' I asked my wolf, but didn't get a response. She was in pain and withdrew herself away from me. I sucked a deep breath and composed myself, ignoring the pain in my heart. I got out of the taxi, paid the taxi driver, and entered the house. I arrived in the living room and met Mother and Vera seated on the couch. ''Greetings, Mother.'' I greeted her and made my way to the stairs, but she called me back. ''Wait up.'' She said and made her way to me. ''What is it, Mother?'' I asked. ''Vera said something about you being mate with alpha Leo. Is that correct?'' She asked and got a nod from me. I saw her scoff with disbelief before speaking. ''Well, you have to let go of him and let your sister take your place. Or else you want to be rejected publicly.'' She mocked, causing tears to stand in my eyes. ''It's obvious that he doesn't want you, but your sister. Why don't you save yourself the heartbreak and stay away from him,'' She muttered while I stood numb, wondering if she was actually my mother. How can a mother say this to her child? How could she not feel the pain of her own daughter? ''Vera will bring this family a lot of fortune if she is with alpha Leo. That is something you can never do.'' She mocked while I gulped and allowed her to speak, ''I'd advise you not to tell this to your father because if you do, then he would report it to the wolfly, and you know what that means.'' She added while I stared at her with tear-filled eyes, thinking of the possibility that she wasn't my mother, but I knew she was. There was so much evidence about it. ''I believe you understand what I'm saying to you?'' She asked while I shook my head and sucked a deep breath. ''I won't, Mother!'' I announced, ''I won't give up my mate to Vera.'' I declared firmly. ''You won't give up?'' Vera scoffed, ''And who is asking you to give up?'' She asked, ''How can you give up something you never had?'' She mocked, causing me to gulp in pain, ''It's not your place to give Nora. It was never yours,'' She said while I gulped and turned my attention to Mother. ''Are you really my mother? You don't have to pretend anymore,'' I said and heard Mom scoff, ''If I weren't your mother, I would have told you a long time ago; I would have had the pleasure of telling you, but unfortunately, I'm your mother, and Vera is your twin,'' She responded. ''Unfortunately?'' I asked, heartbroken by her words. ''She just told you the truth,'' Vera responded, causing me to return my attention to her. I was surprised at her attitude toward me. We were twins and supposed to feel each other's pain, but with Vera, it was different. She hated me and would do anything to see me in pain. We were twins, but she acts like we were competitors, aiming to show the world who's the better twin. She competes with me in everything. Whatever I have, she would want to have it, even though she doesn't need it or have any meaning to her. ''One day, just one day, you two will regret everything you've done to me.'' I declared those words as a promise and stormed up the stairs. I got to my room, shut the door, and sat on my bed. My heart throbbed with pain, and tears filled my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I was tired, tired of crying. With a deep breath, I walked to my closet, scanned through my closet, and took out black jeans and a navy-blue blouse. ''You are still going?'' Lolita asked, surprised that I was still considering going to the mansion. ''Yes, I'm going, and he will have no choice but to let me work,'' I responded and placed the clothes on the couch. I undressed, took my bath, and changed into my nightwear. Tired and heartbroken, I lay on the bed and forced myself into a deep sleep, ignoring all the pain in my heart. The sound of my alarm woke me up. Lazily, I tossed on the bed and slowly opened my eyes. I moved my gaze to the bedside clock and realized it was 6 am. With a groan, I left the bed and strolled over to my window, opened it, and inhaled deeply the fresh air coming from the early morning breeze. I was tensed and at the same time, scared of seeing him again. ''Then you can stay back.'' My wolf spoke, scared of getting rejected. I sighed and shook my head. ''We can't keep avoiding him, Lolita. We have to face our problems.'' With those words, I left the window, took off my nightwear, and strolled into the bathroom. I bathed and returned to my room with a towel wrapped around my chest. I walked to my mirror and stood before it, glancing at myself. As I stood before the mirror, fresh out of the shower, I couldn't help but take a moment to examine myself. The towel around my chest felt snug, but I tried to ignore the discomfort as I focused on what I saw in front of me. I'm definitely plus size. There's no denying that. My curves are more prominent than I'd like them to be, but in my eyes, they still make me beautiful. I ran my hands down my sides, feeling the softness of my skin and the subtle roundness of my stomach. My fingers linger on the stretch marks that snake across my hips, reminding me of my body size. But instead of feeling ashamed, I choose to accept them as a part of who I am. My black hair falls in soft waves around my face, brushing against my shoulders. I can't help but play with a few strands, letting them slip through my fingers as I examine my face. My sea-blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the bright light of the room, and I couldn't resist giving myself a slight wink. I have a cute nose and full lips, and my cheeks are round, giving me a youthful appearance. But as I scrutinize myself further, I can't help but wonder why men always seem to overlook me when it comes to dating. I know I'm not everyone's type, but I feel like my size is the only reason I'm not given a chance. But even in that moment of self-doubt, I find the strength to brush it off. I am beautiful, regardless of what anyone else tells me. And if someone can't see past what I look like on the outside, then they're not worth my time anyway. ''We will be late,'' Lolita announced, taking me out of my thoughts. With a heavy sigh, I left the mirror, dried my hair with the hair dryer, and packed it in a bun. I went for my clothes on the couch and put them on. I sprayed some spray and put on my boots, glanced at myself in the mirror before picking up my bag and phone. I got downstairs and met everyone already seated at the dining table having breakfast. ''Good morning, everyone.'' I greeted and placed a kiss on Dad's cheek. I didn't do the same with Mom because she had asked me to stop giving her kisses. ''Aren't you joining us for breakfast?'' Dad asked, ''I'm sorry, but I'm late. See you later.'' I said and made my way to leave, but Vera's words stopped me. ''Be ready to welcome me in the mansion.'' She spoke with a victorious grin, which I ignored and walked away. I left the house, took a cab, and arrived In front of the mansion. As I exited the cab, my heart pounded heavily in my chest while I had double thoughts about going in. ''Go in,'' Lolita encouraged. Heeding her words, I walked to the gate and rang the bell. Within a few seconds, the gate opened before me. ''You can do this, Nora.'' I encouraged myself and walked through the gate. ''Good morning.'' I greeted the security I met on my way to the main building, but none responded. ''Follow me,'' one of the men said and led me into the sitting room. ''Have a seat.'' He gestured, and I did as told. With panic, I squeezed my fingers, wondering how he would react if he gets to see me. ''You are here,'' Madam Emma said, announcing her presence to me. ''Greetings.'' I greeted as I stood to my feet. ''Have your seat. The alpha will be with you shortly.'' She announced, causing my breath to seize in my chest.
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