Characters and the world of Neznandia (part2)

123 Words
Unit  --Adair Cardainne (Fire and Air with water) Loves: Pasta and sketching in his pastime; has a soft spot for kids Hates: Moralless people, Snakes, Ketchup -Eteri Aaron ( Air with fire) 278 years old Loves: Food in general, reading  Hates: Shopping -Abilon Daryan (Earth with air) 210 years old Loves- wood carving, sweets (doughnuts are there = Daryan dead) Hates - Horror movies - Skylar Novac (Fire with water) 139  years old Loves- Making drinks and collect vinyl records Hates- Receiving gifts -Adelstan Tane (Water and earth) 110 years old Loves-building models Hates - Mannequin Amelia’s Family  Uncles  Daniel (Dan) Novac Alexander (Alex) Novac Vincent (Vince) Novac Fathers Adopted - Liam Birth - Gavril In-law - Acton Mothers Adopted - Avani Real - Blythe In-law - Emelyn Brothers  Adopted - Skylar Novac (As the story progresses) Emotional-Tane Emotional- Daryan Emotional- Aaron Adair’s Family Parents Father- Acton Mother - Emelyn Brothers Blood - Adriel (older) In-law - Skylar Emotional - Tane Emotional - Daryan Emotional - Aaron
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