Chapter 12 Phoney

715 Words
"Kolten, I'm sorry, I didn't have any other choice." Putting her impeccable acting skills to use, Janae started to cry after saying a few words. Kolten frowned and questioned sternly, "What's wrong with Sarah then? How dare she go against me without your instructions?" "Are you still doubting me? Since you don't trust me, I'll leave!" Janae bit her lower lip and turned to leave the office with an aggrieved expression. But once she left, who would help clear Ashlynn's name? Who would take the blame? As soon as Janae wanted to leave, Kolten quickly stepped forward to stop her. He looked extremely sincere as he said, "It's not that I don't trust you! I'm just too anxious! I need your help now. You'll help me, right?" Janae looked at him with tears in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment before asking, "How can I help you?" "It's very simple." Kolten took her arm. "As long as you explain to the investors and the film director that you did everything because you wanted a comeback, all the problems will be solved!" "... Is that so?" Janae smiled wryly. She knew very well that once she made an appearance and did as he said, Ashlynn's reputation would be completely restored while she suffer the consequences. Fearing that she would discover something off, Kolten stood in front of her and swore solemnly, "Janae, this is all for our future. If the company doesn't develop well, how am I supposed to face the Frost family and take your hand in marriage? Don't worry, when this matter is over, I will marry you right away!" How ridiculous. Why was she so stupid to be blinded by such words in the past? Janae nodded slowly. "I can promise you, but this is the last time." "Alright. I'll send someone to arrange it right away. Take a rest here and don't go anywhere." After Kolten gave a few words of advice, he quickly left with his assistant. In the spacious office, Janae gracefully took out a piece of tissue. As soon as she wiped away the tear stains, her designated driver pushed the door open and entered. "Ms. Frost, Mr. Jacobson instructed me to take you to the hotel to rest. He'll come and find you once he's done with his business." "Oh?" He must be in a hurry to tell Ashlynn the details of the matter. "It's okay. Let him do his work. I can—" Before she could finish her sentence, the driver interrupted her. "Mr. Jacobson wants me to send you to the hotel." Janae understood that Kolten was trying to keep an eye on her. However, she had already planned ahead of time. It did not matter whether Kolten sent people to surveil her because she would no longer compromise with them, let alone take the blame for them! "Okay, then. I'll go to the hotel and wait for him." While suppressing the emotions in her eyes, Janae tightened her grip on her bag and pretended to be obedient before following the driver out of Glory Entertainment. Freddie's men had been following behind their car. He could let Janae handle her personal matters, but he had to ensure her safety. Janae glanced into the driver's rearview mirror several times, then rolled down the car window and looked back. She was clear who the car plate number belonged to, making her lips curl up slightly. Her choice made her feel at ease. Shortly after, Janae walked into the hotel and into the elevator under the watch of the driver. Then, Sarah came in with a cap. She took off her cap and said with a smile, "Kolten should have got more people to watch you." "Sarah!" Janae was both touched and apologetic to see her. "You've done so much for me." "Don't be so emotional. What are we going to do next? It seems that Kolten will not allow you to move freely." Sarah analyzed. "It doesn't matter. I have your help, and I'll definitely make them pay the price." Janae suddenly thought of Freddie, and a smile tugged at her lips subconsciously. Noticing her expression, Sarah tilted her head and asked, "Your smile is very strange. Is there someone else helping you behind your back?"
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