Chapter 7 She Will End It

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Freddie's sudden appearance coupled with his intervention was astonishing. Everyone knew Flower Entertainment's status in the industry, so they inferred that this could only mean Freddie also think that Janae had made a big mistake. Janae had dug her own grave. From now on, she would have no place in this circle ever again. Just as everyone thought that Freddie was targeting Janae, he had stood beside her and nodded approvingly. "Your acting skills are quite impressive." Janae's eyes widened as she stared at him. He had actually watched her performance and even taken the initiative to help her... So, this was the kind of person she had just married? Freddie observed her expression before turning to look at Mr. Gill. "Mr. Gill, what do you think?" "Ms. Frost's acting is impeccable, of course. I believe everyone who witnessed it will agree." Then, Mr. Gill looked back and forth at her and added with a look of embarrassment, "But she..." "I don't think it's a big deal." Although the investor was intimidated by Freddie's authority, he still gritted his teeth and spoke up. "No! The role must belong to Ashlynn." The amount of money they'd invested was astronomical. How could they possibly overthrow the plan just because of Freddie? "It must be? Does this mean that it has already been decided by both parties before the audition?" Freddie's words were light and his chilling aura crushed the investor. "But in my opinion, Ashlynn's not qualified at all. She isn't capable of portraying the character. Janae, on the other hand, is very suitable for this role." With such a clear stance, anyone would be able to tell that Freddie was going to take Janae's side to the end. Janae had never thought that he would suddenly appear and even help her without any hesitation. Although it was unexpected, she couldn't deny that it was heartwarming. The investor didn't dare to refute anymore because he couldn't do anything about it. After muttering a few words under his breath, he left in a huff to find Kolten at Glory Entertainmen to solve this problem. "Alright then. Let's stick to this decision for the time being." Sighing, Mr. Gill looked at Freddie helplessly and yielded. Freddie shot Janae a meaningful look and then left with his secretary. The reporters who had surrounded Janae earlier chased after them, and for a moment, she was left alone by herself. While making four to five consecutive calls, Robin walked to the center of the stage and glared at her. He seethed hatefully, "Janae, you're really vicious. Just wait and see, Kolten won't let you off." The happiness from being saved with Freddie gradually dissipated as Janae calmed down. She threw the mask into the bin and stared at Robin without showing a shred of weakness. "Fine, I'll wait." Because she would never let them off either! Janae quickly left through the back door before the reporters came back. She happened to run into Freddie's car that was pulling out of the parking lot. As she watched as the ink-coloured window rolled down, it revealed Freddie's impassive expression. However, he directed a concerned smile at her and said, "Get in the car." Janae nodded obediently. "About earlier... Thank you." Being as familiar with the industry as she was, Janae was well aware that without Freddie's help, she wouldn't have been able to handle the commotion just now. "You are now my wife. Do you think I will tolerate others bullying my woman?" He raised his eyebrow slightly as his domineering words came out of his mouth. Was he implying that he would always protect her like this? Janae sat next to him and closed the car door. "If you and Flower Entertainment get into trouble just because of me, I..." She clenched her fingers, pursed her lips, and stopped herself from saying more. Freddie simply looked at her. There was no extra desire in his eyes. "If I was afraid of trouble, I wouldn't have married you." Janae's heart skipped a beat. She only felt that the atmosphere in the car was extremely ambiguous. Not only that but the moment she sat beside him, her heart would uncontrollably start beating faster. "Where are we going now?" She quickly changed the subject. "My home." When he saw Janae's slightly dazed expression, he calmly explained with a faint smile, "I don't like to drag things out. If you agree, I will let you spend an unforgettable wedding night." Even though she was somewhat muddle-headed, she still replied firmly, "I do." It was not that she agreed, but that she was willing. Conscious of her decision, she knew that the name Freddie Grant was imprinted in her life from that moment onwards and could never be erased. She was willing to give herself to him.
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