Chapter 8 Special Treatment for Him

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Although this was the answer Freddie had expected, he looked at Janae carefully and added, "I'm a man of principles. Once it starts, it won't end." "I've long heard of the working style of Flower Entertainment's famous Mr. Grant. I know very well what I am doing now. I will accept the identity of Mrs. Grant and be your woman wholeheartedly, but I have a request." Her eyes were so clear that they made one's heart flutter, and Freddie found himself staring at her. "What is it?" Janae replied firmly, "I'll settle the grudge between Kolten and me. I want to end it myself, instead of using the forces of Flower Entertainment." Freddie nodded in agreement. She was indeed very different. He also wanted to see how far Janae could go and whether she was worth his attention. The two of them walked into Freddie's villa together. "I have some paperwork to do. You should take a rest first," he said to Janae and then took two steps forward, raising his left hand to gesture. "My bedroom is over there." Janae's cheeks turned red. "Oh, okay." He seemed to have opened a door to her, one which only she could enter. Her mobile phone vibrated. It was Sarah. "Janae, everything is done. Soon, we will be able to see the news of Ashlynn bribing for a role spread on the Internet. Everyone will learn about how she used her relationship with Kolten to take over the company's resources and bully the newcomers." "Sarah, thank you so much." Janae sincerely expressed her gratitude. Even at this point, Sarah was still willing to stay by her side, and she was very touched. "Don't stand on ceremony with me. Guess what? All the evidence was given by the employees of the company. They were always bullied by Ashlynn and told me that they were willing to help you. Janae, just do it. We will all support you." "Thank you, Sarah. By the way, have you revealed Ashlynn's pregnancy?" "Not yet. Have you really thought about it? What will you do by then?" Sarah must have thought that Janae still had feelings for Kolten. Janae raised her gaze slightly and peered in the direction of Freddie's study. She smiled and answered, "I just realized that he is not the one for me." "Then, who would it be? Is it—" Sarah was keenly aware of the changes in Janae. She was just about to enquire further when she was interrupted by an incoming phone call on her phone. "Oh, it's a reporter calling. I have to get down to business!" "Okay, I'll wait for your news." Janae put down her phone, feeling much different from before. One had to take a step forward in order to know what laid ahead. God knew when Freddie had appeared behind her. He hadn't intended to listen to her phone call, but she wasn't that far away. In addition, he was an imperial character in the entertainment industry. The truth of Janae taking the initiative to marry him was within reach. "Did you hear everything?" Janae turned around and looked at him nervously. She was suddenly afraid that she would leave a bad impression on him. "You're very decisive." Freddie approached her and lifted her chin. His predatory gaze swept across her face. "I will only do what I think is right!" Janae looked at him steadily without any hesitation in her eyes. "Please don't misunderstand—" "Are my thoughts that important?" He smiled charmingly as he let go of her. Then, he turned around and opened the refrigerator. "I only believe in what I see." Just one sentence was enough to make Janae's heart jump. She felt moved, and her heart was indescribably warm. She had to say that her new husband was a ten out of ten. ...... After Kolten received the news, he was so angry that he threw his phone. "Who can tell me what the hell is going on?" Within half an hour, Glory Entertainment had received phone calls from countless reporters. The news about Ashlynn bribing for a role had spread all over the Internet, and there were also countless anonymous posts that claimed she had bullied newcomers and robbed them of the resources after her debut. Not only that but the shareholders had even asked Kolten for an explanation. For a moment, Glory Entertainment's reputation had been greatly affected due to the fact that Janae had auditioned on Ashlynn's behalf. Ashlynn looked at him and frowned. "Can't you see? Janae did all of this. She just can't bear to see me succeed." "It can't be. If she finds out that we are seeing each other, she'll definitely come looking for me." Kolten was under the assumption that he knew Janae very well. "I'll send someone to investigate."
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