Chapter 83 Sweet time

1280 Words

When Sarah saw this, she was extremely angry. "What reporters write? The dress is clearly hung in your house! I think Ashlynn must be behind all this. Janae, do you want me to think of a way?" Ashlynn acted on her own and insisted on bringing up Janae, which made Sarah very unhappy. "I see that Ashlynn has obtained better conditions through the hidden rules. In the next step, she will break with Glory Entertainment. You must keep an eye on the situation in the hospital and keep the evidence we have." "Okay, I got it." Sarah kept it in mind seriously. "I don't care which company she signed, but I want to take back what she owes me." As a brilliant actress, Ashlynn's sudden exposure of such news caused Kolten to fall into an extremely awkward situation. The upper management of the compa

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