Chapter 114 The unexpected come return

1241 Words

"I'm not seeing things," said Liam as he followed Jamie and the rest into the conference room. No matter what Jamie wanted to do today, they had to accept it unconditionally. This was just a regular meeting of O'Brien Company. Marry was the last one to enter the conference room and found that almost all the senior management executives were there, including the chairmen of the two board of directors. Just what exactly... She looked to Jamie's side and saw the face that often appeared in her nightmares. She almost lost her balance, but Liam pulled her back just in time. "Sit here." "Ah, okay." Marry sat down in a daze and did not dare to look up again. From beginning to end, she could feel a cold gaze full of hatred falling on her. Five years ago, Zach was the top agent in the count

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