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RAGNAR It’s a haughty sound, the horns of panic echoing in long lengths. The warning cry bellowing through the now fully alerted city – that only moments ago, enjoyed the pleasant autumn night before the chaos of the battle pending. The sound has me on my feet and running, Axel close at my heels. What is happening? Are we being attacked? In a few moments all will be known. My combat boots slap the hard ground, barely touching the stone sidewalks with my speed. Faster than even Axel. I could run my heart out. Soldiers swarm the streets in full force, slowing my movement upwards towards the council of nobility and captains as the crowd thickened. I turn towards the duke's accommodation when I see a gathering crowd to my left, the onlookers still. My heart clenches. That’s where Novena and Emmaline slept. As I approach, suddenly hesitating with fear lacing its way into my heart, I see what all the fuss is about. Five dead men, some missing their heads, all guards on the night watch. I can barely breath as I notice the girls door standing wide open and yet there is no sign of them in the crowd. Duke Goodman and William are among the crowd, as is the Duchess Freegard. Both of the nobility heads that had shown fealty to my sister. They both visibly stiffened when I reached them. “Ragnar.” William's voice is sorrow filled. A wretched look is plastered to his face, spiking my anger. “Where is my sister?” I demand strenuously as Axel finally catches up, his breath coming in quickly as he pants with his hands on his knees. William exchanges a warily look with Axel who tilts his head in confusion. Losing my patience, I push past them and into the neat little white house. Nothing seems out of place except the two guards restraining a black-haired boy. Axel immediately rushes to them. I carry on, checking Novena’s room first. Nothing out of place here, except a dagger lying discarded on the old floors. There is no Novena. When I enter the living space again, the guards are releasing the teen on Axel’s orders, his hand fixed to the boy's arm as he speaks with him in a quiet tone. "I did exactly what you showed me. I did everything right." The boy tells Axel. My heart is pulsing faster now. Emmaline’s room is not as untouched. The signs of struggle are evident. She must have fought hard against her attacker. I surface slowly from the depths of the room. My mouth is set in a thin line. “They’re gone.” Axel says grimly. “I can see that.” The boy opens his mouth, “They were taken by the werewolves. The princes Zelus and Phobos.” He spits out, his hatred as evident as a living breathing dragon in the room. His eyes glowing with unconcealed rage. It is then that I noticed the boy is wearing not black pants as I originally thought but clothes of feathers. The air that I suck through my lips sticks in my throat. His whole body is covered in the strange attire except his arms and upper chest. I exchange an unsettled glance with Axel. He is clearly not human. I fix my sight on the angry teen once again, “Who are you?” I demand forcefully, “And why were you here?” The feathered boy stands taller, seemingly unafraid, “That is a complicated question to answer." I unshield my sword, pointing it at the teens neck despite Axels attempts to intervene. "Best you make it simple then. I'm in no mood to tolerate anything other than complete obedience." The teen seems to resign to his fate of spilling his secrets. "Very well. I am the daemonion of Emmaline. I am her eternal companion and servant.” I hear the pride in his voice. Strange, strange creature. Axel speaks next, “You aren’t human.” It sounds more like a statement than a question but the boy answers, his eyes focused, “No, I am a raven from the realms of the Magna Terra. Being connected to Emmaline allows me to shift into a human form.” Another shapeshifter. Emmaline has been keeping secrets. I barely hear the words coming from my mouth as I look at Axel, his blonde curls plastered to his forehead from the mad dash up the hill of the ruined city. The raven boy can wait. There’s a chance, however small, that I can still save my sister. “Get the army moving. And keep him contained until we come back.” He doesn’t argue as usual, questioning my every decision. He simply nods his head in acknowledgement. "Wait, I can help!" The boy says but we ignore him. "Let us handle this Corax. Keep yourself out of trouble." I don't bother asking why Axel seems so familiar with the teenage boy. It doesn't matter right now. Nothing does except rescuing my sister. With a hand on Axel's shoulder, I steer him away from the watching boy and his flapping ears hanging on every word we say. Stopping just outside the tiny white house, I turn to meet Axel's awaiting gaze. “We attack them now. Give the orders.” I command, knowing very well the bloodshed to come. I wrap my arms around his form, and with a pat on the back I break away hoping to any gods listening that this isn't the last time I ever see him.
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