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RAGNAR These tiresome meetings are becoming more and more frequent after Novena and Emmaline were abducted. It doesn't help that after the crushing battle over the border of North Continere, Max Goodman is reportedly missing from the dead. His father has been the biggest pain in the ass ever since. As if I don’t have family members missing of my own. I am barely tolerating his insufferable presence. “We have to invade again!” Duke Goodman insists, for the third time since the unsuccessful battle, “As I’m sure your sister would have done!” As if that would make an ounce of a difference to me. I have very different ideas on how to win a war than brute strength. “Well, my sister isn’t here.” Barely keeping my disinterest from my voice, “I prefer to wait on our spies and see what turns up before we go running headlong into something we aren’t prepared for. Into a land we do not know or understand.” I say dully. I shouldn’t have to be saying this to a man twice my age. Finally, Duke Goodman relents for the day. His own emotions barely concealed on his round old face. I don’t have to wonder who he would have backed between my sister and I. William is the only reason I haven’t lost it with the duke yet. I’m grateful for my peace and quiet that comes after our meeting. It’s very hard to think about what I want to do clearly with so many people throwing their opinions and preferences around. My patience is becoming paper thin. And I’m tired. All the time. The last two weeks have been hell in the making. It started off with Axel introducing Corax to me as Emmaline’s daemonion. Which quite honestly, I’m still struggling to understand. Even now, it gives me a headache just thinking about it. And then I’m sending William Goodman and Lucas Nolan, who despite being twenty-three looks like he’s fresh out of high school, off on a suicide mission. William might be a warrior and trained for something to this degree, but Lucas certainly isn’t, with his dumb brown curly locks and stupid glasses. He’s the embodiment of a scholar. The more I think about it the more I regret sending my friends. But it was their decision and this is war. We all have a price to pay and death is a constant friend. Honestly, I should never have agreed to them trotting off with the bird man Corax in the hopes of them finding the location of the Regius palace. But William is a long-time friend and I found it hard to refuse him when Corax insisted that he would be able to track Emmaline. So, Axel’s absurd plan has been put into action. When they locate the palace, they will use a device in the general area for our armies to track and find when the need or want arises. But it’s been a week since they left on horseback and still nothing. I look up from my desk at the interruption of my office door opening. So much for peace and quiet. A moment later, Axel is strolling through my door, a foul look on his otherwise stunning face. He drops an envelope on the desk casually and takes a seat without me offering him one. I watch as he places his large shoes casually on my desk and folds his arms over his board chest. If it was anyone else… Raising a curious brow at his demeanour I pick the letter up, open it and read it. “I knew this was coming.” I sigh, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand as I study the Regius’s seal. “It’s such a relief to have it confirmed that she’s alive though.” “We are running out of time.” “Zelus won’t hurt Novena, not while he thinks she is his mate.” The thought still makes me angry. The way he claims her like he owns her. I won’t let myself think of what he might be doing to her while he has her in his grasp. I cannot let my mind linger on it. It would drive me to insanity. But at least she is alive. A small victory but a victory still. “There are others at stake here as well.” Axel reminds me as if I could forget. “Lord Goodman keeps reminding me. No need for you to do the same. But I don't think I need to explain to you why we can’t go marching into a country blind. You should know this as well as I." Axel grunts his agreement but I feel that its necessary to remind him about the mission he started. "Isn’t that why we sent Lucas and William and whatever that boy thing is of Emmaline’s? I can’t do more, unless I send more spies to locate their palace. More people that could die needlessly.” I feel tired just thinking of what’s next. “At least we know William and Lucas made it through the Werewolves frontline.” Another small victory. But small victories don’t win wars. “Yes, a small victory but a victory, nevertheless. Still, we’ve been passive for too long.” I say. “I might have an idea.” Axel leans forward, his face lighting up with excitement. Resting his forearms on his knees as his golden blonde hair falls forward to outline his face, “We send small raiding parties into the camps along the frontline to create as much damage as possible to their supplies and the likes.” It’s certainly better than doing nothing or marching into another bloodbath. However… “Not many people will make it back from that.” Axel seems to be expecting that response, “Which is why I’m volunteering myself to lead one of the raiding groups. I’m hoping it will inspire others to do the same.” The familiar tightness in my chest reminds me how much I still care for Axel. Despite what he may think, I don’t want to lose someone else I care about. These past two weeks, I haven’t so much as touched Axel since I come across the empty house that Novena and Emmaline were staying in. Even with the anger I previously held for my sister, it was nothing compared to the devastation of discovering her missing. Looking at Axel now, I marvel at his ever confident attitude. Such an attractive quality. “Then we better prepare for a meeting with the Nobility. If they are on board, I’ll hold an announcement asking for volunteers.” Axel's smile is strained as he nods his head in agreement, tapping his thick silver rings on the desktop. I know when something is on his mind and he doesn’t know whether to come out and say it, or hold his tongue. But right now, I have more important things to do than wait for him to decide whether to speak his mind. “If that’s all Axel…” I begin sharply. A sorrowful look passes through his eyes, “Not so much as a word to disway me?” I narrow bright green eyes at his handsome face, “You want me to beg you not to do it?” I ask him for clarification although I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he wants me to do. “I don’t know, maybe I just want to know that you care.” He says shrugging carelessly, like it's no great deal. That is rich coming from him. He is the one who no longer wants to be with me after I was forced into my marriage with Alma. There’s only so much grovelling someone can do over something they have no control over. I would have lost my crown and my father’s respect. I would have lost everything I've worked so hard for. “I care if you die Axel, but you made your choice.” “And you made yours. I was forced to make mine.” He snaps. An annoying beeping saves the moment we both don’t want to face. As we both snap our head to face the device a little too quickly, I wonder if Axel is as relieved as I am to be interrupted. I press the green button which grants permission for the hologram of William to appear. “Ragnar, we have located the Regius palace.” The excitement in his voice is contagious, “I am forwarding the location to you now." "Where is it?" Axel asks, unable to wait for the location. "It lies on the uppermost side of Swanten Lake in a region called Gina. There is another settlement only hours away from the Broken City that also lies against the Swanten Lake. It's called Kallipo." "Is it a city or a town?" I ask curiously. "Its a settlement and I say settlement because honestly, I don’t know what to call it. These places are nothing like our cities.” “I am impressed William,” I chuckle, beyond excited to for once be ahead of the game, “that is very important information. I must admit I had my doubts about this mission.” I say truthfully. I had spent many sleepless nights wondering if I sent my friends on a death mission that would be for nothing. “It has proven very valuable indeed. Send a detailed description of both locations and their coordinations.” William’s hologram figure nods in agreement, “Theres one more thing. Corax is going to approach the palace in his raven form while Lucas and I camp further away to avoid detection. The palace is in the mists of these weird homes settlements that are arranged around a single castle or mansion all spreading over a certain area and then there’s just forests and fields and then again another one of these settlements. We aren’t sure how many currently extend from the palace, but we will do our best to find out. With your permission we can stage a rescue if one is possible.” His eyes are filled with hope. I understand the need to act, so close, so many possibilities. A colourful trap. I think about the possibility for a moment. Whether I should risk a rescue mission for my sister and fathe, or have my men stand down. The chances of William obeying an order not to try to free his brother when he is so near would be such a cruel thing to test. Still, no one said being in charge came with easy decisions. “If you are caught, the Regius will know that we know their palace’s location. You and Lucas will most likely be killed on sight. The risk is too high when we finally have the advantage.” I cast eyes at Axel who watches me closely. I chew on the skin on my thumb trying to decide what’s the best move. William seems to hold his breath waiting for my command. “Gather what information you can for now William. Don’t go near the palace, we need the advantage desperately. However, if they manage to break out of the palace with Corax’s assistance and into the woods then you have my permission to assist in their getaway.” As I suspected William seems less than pleased with my answer. “William, we are at war. You need to trust that I am making the best decision. Emmaline and my sister are my family, and you are my friend. I know how badly you want to rescue your brother. This is not an easy decision to make. I need you to be on my side.” William exhales deeply, nodding his head in resignation, “Of course Ragnar. You have my trust.” “Very well, good luck William. Be safe.” The signal goes dead. William will be getting rid of his device, destroying it and disposing of it the moment we are done speaking and he has sent the relevant information to avoid being tracked. If the Werewolves have the technology to do so. William was given three hand sized devices, round in shape and lightweight, to take with him. Our latest innovation will soon prove its worth. Axel lounges back in his chair, playing with the ring on his index finger, seemingly deep in thought. I watch his lips part and his chest rise and fall as he breathes. He meets my gaze, and it feels like I’ve been hit in my stomach the way I catch my breath. I don’t miss the fire burning in his gloriously coloured eyes that show me his thoughts - that show me his heart and the pain and love there. The seconds tick by and I find it impossible to tear my eyes away. I can’t imagine looking at him and not loving him. And I can’t do anything else but hope that when he looks at me, he feels the same. I swallow the lump in my throat, “We should attack Kallipo." "Let’s get to work then.” He says with a smirk.
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