In Sara’s memory

3242 Words

A few days later…   In a few hours, the evening begins in memory of my little sister. The closer the fateful hour approaches, the melancholier memories resurface. The day was quite emotional. My first smile this morning was picked up by my balloon man. He congratulated me on my bungee jump and wished me a wonderful birthday with lots of wrinkles. I laughed. I love these little moments of ours, the only one who understands me and doesn’t judge me. Henry had lunch with my parents with a birthday cake. My father seemed relaxed, my mother too, despite a few veils of sadness that covered her eyes from time to time. I blew out my candles like a child, under the insistence of my mother. I got some presents. I was spoiled and kissed my parents for their thoughtfulness. Henry didn’t offer me a

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