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She booked a Venus shoot Cassia couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t have done it without Lance. “Oh my god, I’m going to be in Venus.” She gushed hugging Lance so tight as they waited out front for the valet to bring his car around. “Ok easy.” He said trying to pry her off him. “You’ll wrinkle the shirt.” Cassia stepped back. As always, he looked amazing dressed in a red wine button up dress shirt tucked into black slacks. It was so simple and casual, yet he could have walked a runway himself. He ran his hand over his fine shirt to press out an invisible wrinkle that was bothering him. He was pickier about his appearance than any woman she knew. It was both exasperating and cute. “You know what?” She said as the car pulled up and the valet handed him the keys. “We got to celebrate. What do you like to do for fun?” She asked noticing how he looked at her like she had grown a second head. “You do have fun, don’t you?” “I work.” He said opening the door for her and shut it after Cassia got in. She watched him walk around the rear and get in. “I know you work but what do you do to unwind?” She asked as he started up the car and pulled in to the street. “I work.” “You work to unwind from work?” That sounded stupid. “You must do other things?” “I’m a busy man.” He stressed. “Come on nothing else; you just work twenty-four-seven?” He sighed thoughtfully. “I go to church.” It was her turn to look at him strangely. “Church?” “What’s wrong with the church?” “Nothing you just don’t strike me as the church going type.” “My mother is from a strict Catholic family, so she insists we all go to church so that we have good moral fibre.” Cassia was confused. Wasn’t his father a notorious rock star known for his insatiable womanizing? He was almost more famous for his roguish behaviour than his music. “Didn’t she marry the Son of Sin?” Lance laughed, genuinely amused for the first time that day. “Why do you think she forces us to go to church? But in my father’s defence, he’s been on his best behaviour, well behaved… well, he tries. He’s not a bad man; he’s just destined for trouble.” “As are his sons.” She teased. “I’m too busy to get into trouble. Lucas, however, lives for it.” She had heard he came from a large family all boys, but she didn’t keep track of the others. “Which one is Lucas?” “The one that looks just like me but jumps dirt bikes for a living. It drives my mother nuts. He’s going to kill himself one day.” That was right he was a twin she had heard that somewhere. “You don’t have much faith in your brother.” “Oh, I have faith that one day he’s going to kill himself. If he doesn’t crash his bike, he’s going to mouth off the wrong person and get shot. Lucas is a little rough around the edges. He’s got an abrasive personality.” “Like you?” She teased, abrasive was nice Lance was downright insufferable at times. Lance just rolled his eyes and refused to respond. “Ok, so work and church that can’t be all you do.” “Why not?” “Because everyone has to have a little fun sometimes.” An idea came to her. “Oh, you know what I like to do?” “Tip cows?” He smirked. Cassia laughed. “Oh, a joke. Did it hurt?” It was nice to see him laugh even if it was at her expense. “Well, when we hillbillies aren’t tipping cows, we like to hit the honky-tonks and do a little dancing.” “I don’t dance.” He said rejecting the idea. “You can’t dance?” “I didn’t say I can’t; I said I don’t.” “Why not?” “It’s a stupid pass time.” “How about karaoke?” Again, he laughed. “I’d rather dance.” “Oh, come on your father is a blooming rock legend, are you trying to tell me you can’t sing?” “Totally tone deaf.” He confessed. “Really?” So, Mr. Perfect wasn’t perfect. “What else can’t you do?” He gave her a nasty look. “I’m a Sanchez,” he said with arrogance, “I can do anything.” “You can’t sing.” She playfully reminded him. “I can do almost anything.” Cassia snickered at his stubborn pride. “Why are you always laughing at me?” “You’re scared.” “I’m not scared of anything.” Lance snarled. “If you’re not scared you would go dancing with me.” She goaded him. Playing to his ego, it seemed to work the last time so she thought she’d try it again. “I’m not going to make myself look like an i***t just to prove you wrong.” He said making a right turn. “Because you're scared to look foolish. You are way too concerned with image.” She said adjusting her skirt; she couldn’t help but notice how his eyes drifted off the road and to her legs as she adjusted the hemline. Was he checking her out? He was. Cassia smiled, she hadn’t imagined things, he liked her, or at least he found her attractive. “Image is everything.” He stressed looking back at the road. “Doesn’t it ever get to you, being on display all the time? How do you deal with it?” She was having trouble adjusting to the fact that everything little thing she did or didn’t do was scrutinized. “My family is famous; I’ve been on display all my life, from my very first breath. You get used to it.” He sighed. “It must make life hard. Never knowing if people like you for you or for who you know.” He just sighed. She knew she was right. It must suck to be him at times. “I want to go dancing.” She said changing the subject back to her original request. “You’re going to have to go without me.” He replied using the same tone she had. “Aren’t you afraid I may be seen in something unbecoming?” “Do you need a babysitter?” He asked. Then he paused. “Don’t answer that. I’ll come.” He said changing his mind. He decided she did need a babysitter. “But if we’re going dancing it’s going to be someplace better than a… what did you call it?” “Honkytonk.” “Whatever that is. We’re going to the Pier. It’s a new hot spot on the waterfront. If I have to be seen clubbing it’s going to be there, I know the owner.” “You just know everyone don’t you?” She teased. He just smiled. “I get around.” He admitted. “I know a lot of people that know a lot of people.” “At least you’re never alone.” He frowned again. “I wouldn’t say that. Sometimes you can be in a room with a hundred people and still be alone.” He seemed sad. They got back to the lofts, and they split up to change for their evening out. Cassia had just finished changing when there was a knock at her door. She opened the door to find Lance smiling back at her. He dressed in designer blue jeans, a black button up linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was tied back, and he looked gorgeous. He took one look at what she was wearing and turned up his nose then he handed her a forest green dress. It was sleeveless and flared from the waist to just above the knee. In his other hand, he had a pair of black heels and a wide black leather belt. “I’ll wait while you change.” He said standing in her living room. Cassia went into her bedroom to change, but she left the door open, so Lance could still hear her. “You know I’m going to develop a complex if you keep making me change.” She called to him as she removed her dress. “Dress right the first time, and I wouldn’t make you change.” She heard him say. “I find it a little offensive that you just assumed I wouldn’t look good and you brought me something.” “Get over it, darling.” She finished dressing, and she rejoined Lance in the living room. He looked her over and still didn’t look happy. He took her by the arm and ushered her back into the bedroom then sat her down in front of Olivia’s vanity. He stood behind her and took her hair down. She watched as Lance took some gel and ran his fingers through her hair trying to give it a little body and lift. He shaped her hair, so it framed her face as he studied her reflection in the mirror. He seemed focused on making her beautiful she had to ask. “Did you do this with Cindy Ratter?” He paused at her name and then instantly collected himself. “I do this with all my models.” “Do you sleep with them all too?” He paused. “No. Cindy was a special case. She dumped me. It won’t happen again.” He assured her. Then he smiled. “There you look presentable.” She smiled. “Just presentable?” “I can only do so much in a short period.” There he went again being offensive. She frowned and stood up. “Let’s go.” They came out into the living room just as the door opened and Kimberly and Charlotte walked in; they took one look at Lance and Charlotte dropped the bag of groceries in her arms. Kimberly gasped with shock. “Oh my God! You’re Lance Sanchez!” Their idle worship didn’t even faze him. Charlotte took his hand shook it as he tried to pry his hand from her grip. He then frowned and wiped his hand on his jeans like he had picked up some filth from her hand. Cassia was starting to get the feeling that Lance didn’t like to be touched by people he didn’t know. “I love your work,” Kimberly said eagerly. Lance just forced a smile. He was trying to be polite. Charlotte glared at Cassia. “You know Lance Sanchez, and you didn’t tell us. This is huge.” Lance scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You’re all models?” “How did you know?” Kimberly asked. “Every woman with a pretty face comes to LA to be models. You can’t throw a stone without hit a model.” “Can you look at my portfolio?” Charlotte asked hopefully. “No,” Lance said without missing a beat. Charlotte looked surprised, but he looked calm and confident in his answer. Kimberly looked at Cassia, “Are you two dating?” “No,” Lance said before Cassia could answer. “I’m her manager.” “So, you are taking on models?” Kimberly asked. “No.” “But you’re managing Cassia?” “Yes.” “But just Cassia?” “Yes. I’ve decided to try my hand at managing, and as it stands right now, I’m not accepting new clients.” He then looked at Cassia. “Let’s go.” He said ushering her past her roommates and on to the elevator. “You were kind of rude.” Cassia scolded him as the elevator door slid shut. “You have to be firm with people, or they will just hassle you.” He said as he pressed the down button. “You could have been nicer.” “By now you should know me well enough to know I don’t coddle people.” He said as they got off the elevator. “You know they’re going to be all over me now about getting me to get you to manage them.” Lance opened the door to the parking lot. He flashed her a smile. “Well, that would be your problem, not mine.” He was right she had a problem he was going to get her harassed. It only took twenty minutes to reach the waterfront. Cassia had heard of the Pier, but she didn’t know anyone that could get in until Lance. It was a high-profile club. The place where stars went to unwind. Since Joe blow public couldn’t get in the stars went unhassled. Lance gave his keys to the valet and walked Cassia right past the velvet rope. There was press everywhere, and the flashing lights blinded Cassia. Lance placed his hand on her back and urged her forward telling her not to stop as reporters yelled questions at them asking who she was and who they were wearing, but Lance didn’t answer one question. He just walked right past them as if they weren’t even there. Cassia had never been fast-tracked to the door in any club. She was excited as they went inside. The atmosphere inside was intense. The music was loud, and she could feel the beat vibrate through her body. There was a DJ in the raised DJ booth, and there was an incredible light show. The dance floor was packed, and the lining tables and bottle service tables were all occupied. Cassia didn’t know where they were even going to stand. “I’m surprised they didn’t card me.” She said as they made their way to the bar. “That’s right you’re not twenty-one. I forgot. How do you usually get into bars?” Lance asked as they shuffled through the people standing around to reach the bar. “I have a fake ID.” She confessed with a smile. Lance laughed. “Yeah, I had one of those too. Well since you’re suddenly twenty-one how about a drink?” He offered, waving down the bartender. The bartender came over and shook Lance’s hand like they were old friends. “How’s it going?” Lance asked. The bartender was about the same age with light blond hair and blue eyes. He was very attractive, and his smile was bright. “Working hard. One of my bartenders called in sick, so I’m just slammed trying to pick up the slack.” He said and glanced over at Cassia. “Who’s your friend?” “Quinn this is Cassia Dillinger, Cassia this is Quinn Williams, the owner of this establishment.” Lance made the introductions. Quinn shook her hand. “A pleasure to meet you. What can I get you?” “A table would be nice,” Lance said hopefully. Quinn stood on his toes and looked around. “Well, I can set you up in the VIP with some bottle service. I’d join you but as you can see I’m busy.” Quinn said pouring two drinks and placing them on the bar in front of Lance. “Send us a bottle of tequila and some orange juice. Put it on my tab.” He said taking the two glasses and handing one to Cassia. “This way.” Cassia followed Lance to a raised section of the club where there were white leather booths with red tables. They took a seat and Cassia sipped her drink, it was really good. “What is this?” “Tequila sunrise.” He said drinking his own. Lance lounged lazily in his seat with one arm draped over the back. “So, you’re a farm girl. Tell me where are you from?” “Rookwood Texas. It’s a small town north of Austin.” She said taking another sip of her drink. “How long did you live there?” “All my life. When I graduated I came to California to be a model. What about you, where are you from, I hear so many stories, and they’re all different. Some say you’re from New York others say you’re from Malibu.” “Both are right. See my folks couldn’t agree on just where to live. My mother preferred New York while my father preferred California. So, they decided to live in both. In the summer we would live in Manhattan in an apartment. Very nice place. In the winter we would live in the beach house in Malibu. We went to school here in LA. We also travelled a lot. All over the world. My family has houses in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, New York, Malibu, Miami, Paris, and London.” “Wow, you must have a lot of frequent fliers’ miles.” He just smiled. “My family has their own jet, well three actually. We’re all free to use them with a little bit of notice.” “Must be nice.” “It sure is convenient, but I take commercial airlines too, first class of course.” “Oh of course.” She said mockingly. “Tell me about Rookwood Texas; I’ve never heard of it.” That didn’t surprise her at all. “It’s very small only three hundred people. Well two-hundred-ninety-eight now.” She could see him doing the math in his head. “Don’t you mean ninety-nine?” “Well, that would be true if it had just been me but I’m not the only person to have come to California.” She might as well confess. “My ex-boyfriend followed me here. He seems to think if he follows me around I’ll take him back.” “And will it work?” “No, I’ve outgrown him. I need someone that’s into the same things I am. Speaking of things we have in common, how’d you get into fashion?” She was dying to know. “It just came naturally I liked photography, and I liked fashion, so I just thought why not be a fashion photographer. My brothers and I were always setting trends, so I was already good at it. I got my first intern job at sixteen and by the time I was twenty I was already a leading authority in the industry. Things just fell into place after that.” “I bet people teased you as a kid being into fashion.” “I’ve been called gay more than once, but it didn’t matter. Once I established myself, I had my vengeance. I’m successful, and all those guys that made fun of me are now pumping my gas. Karma’s a b***h. Why did you want to be a model?” “I wasn’t good at anything else. My grades were poor, but I was pretty. I would flip through the magazines and look at all the ads and think to myself I could do that.” “The goal of all pretty women. Every pretty girl thinks they can be a model. It’s just not true. Most girls come out here and end up a waitress.” Cassia cringed, and Lance smiled. “You’re a waitress, aren’t you?” “Well I was, but your schedule is so demanding I had to quit just to keep up.” “So, I guess the drinks are on me tonight.” He said with a knowing smile. Cassia smiled sweetly. “Well if you insist.” They both laughed. He seemed in a much better mood than he had been lately. It was nice to see him smile. He had a sexy smile. With a few drinks in him, Lance was quite fun. They spent the night talking. Cassia told him about her family, about her widower father and her four brothers. That was another thing they had in common, they both came from big families full of boys. He told her what it was like to be the son of a rock star, a twin, and the oldest whereas Cassia was not only the only girl but the youngest of her siblings. Even though they grew up differently, with her in a small town and him in the big city they had a lot in common. They liked the same movies, the same music, they both liked amusement parks but not the rollercoasters. They spent the night drinking and talking, polishing off a bottle of tequila between them. By closing time, her head was spinning, and she wished she hadn’t drunk so much. At last call, Lance paid their tab. He then took out his cell phone and called a service. In fifteen minutes, there was a car in the parking lot with one man driving and another climbing out of the passenger seat. Lance gave his keys to the man getting out, and then he opened the door to the car they arrived in and told Cassia to get in. “We’re just leaving your car here?” She asked scooting over to let Lance climb in beside her. “Philippe will drive my car home. I use this service all the time. It’s the best way to get home when you’re drunk.” He said giving the driver his address. Lance sat back in his seat and smiled at her. “I have to confess I had fun. I’m glad you talked me into this. I think I needed a night out before we go to Thailand.” Cassia sat up straighter. “Why are we going to Thailand?” “That’s where the shoot is. It’s an on-location sort of shoot.” He explained. “Don’t worry it’s on Venus’ dime, not yours. You’ll like it there it’s beautiful.” “When do we leave?” “Next week.” Cassia looked nervous; she’d never been on a plane before. “What’s wrong?” “I’m afraid to fly.” “Well, you better get over it because supermodels have to fly from location to location often.” She wanted to be a model so badly she would flap her arms and fly to Thailand if she had to. When they reached the lofts, Lance paid the driver and supervised as the other driver parked his car. Once he was sure his baby was home safe, they went inside. “You can give me the dress back tomorrow.” He said as they stepped onto the elevator. “If you’re willing to wait I can give it back to you tonight.” She offered as the doors slid shut and she pressed the button. “I’m in no rush.” He said. The doors opened on her loft, and Cassia lifted the security gate allowing her entrance to her place. It was late, and her roommates were in bed. “Well, it was fun. You’re not such a bad guy when you relax.” “Don’t let that get out you’ll ruin my reputation.” He grinned. He was kidding again. But this time she laughed. She liked him better drunk. “Good-night Lance.” She said and leaned in to kiss his cheek. It had only been meant as a friendly goodbye but when her lips reached his cheek Lance turned his head at the last minute, and their lips met. Cassia moved to pull away, but Lance captured her wrist in his hand and pulled her closer refusing to allow her to back away. Cassia felt his tongue glide over her lips and slip into her mouth sweeping over her tongue. She suddenly felt light-headed; she wasn’t sure if it were his kiss or the tequila. Cassia melted against Lance and returned his kiss. She sighed against his lips, and his hands came up and framed her face. His kiss deepened, and Cassia twined her arms around his neck. “Invite me in.” He whispered against her lips. “I share a room with Olivia.” She whispered back between kisses. Lance wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged Cassia back onto the elevator then hit the fifth-floor button. He kissed her all the way up and stopped briefly to unlock the security gate. Then he pulled Cassia off the elevator and locked up. “What are we doing?” She asked as he took her hand and led her over to his bedroom door. “Something stupid.” He said and began to kiss her again. “I thought you weren’t sleeping with models anymore?” She asked as he removed her belt. “I’ll take the time to regret it in the morning.” He said tossing her belt aside. He then slid his hands over her back and unzipped her dress. Cassia slid out of her dress letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She kicked off her heels and reached for the buttons of his shirt. She couldn’t wait to get him out of his clothes. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Cassia opened his shirt and ran her hands over his hard torso. He was all defined muscle, not an ounce of fat. Silky skin smooth with a light patch of dark curls on his chest. She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders pushing his shirt sleeves down his arms and off. Lance removed his belt and unzipped his jeans. He pushed them down his powerful legs and stepped out of his pants. Lance wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted Cassia off her feet. He carried her to the bed and laid her down stretching out above her. She had forgone her bra that night, and his mouth went straight for her breast, capturing her n****e between his lips. His hand moved down and took hold of her black lace panties he pulled them down her legs and threw them aside. His hand went between her legs stroking her softly. His touch was sinful and skilled. He caressed her damp folds and pressed a finger deep inside her. Cassia sighed as his hand moved with a maddening rhythm. His hot mouth moved up over her neck kissing and nipping softly. Lance pulled away slightly and reached for the nightstand. Opening the drawer, he reached inside and took out a condom. At least one of them was thinking clearly. She watched as he removed it from its package and put it on. He then settled between her legs and slowly entered her. Cassia’s eyes fell shut, and she sighed with delight. He felt wonderful. He moved slow but deliberate. Long deep thrusts that made her body quiver. It was nothing at all like the quick, eager couplings she experienced with Andy. Lance was patient, attentive, giving. His mouth worshipped her body as his hands caressed her every curve. He was a man that knew exactly how to make a woman’s body sing. He made love to her until she was wriggling and squirming beneath him, until her body trembled from the force of her climax. Until he could withstand no longer and when it was over, and they lay together, their bodies cooling Lance took her in his arms and held her close, his eyes closed as his breathing calmed. Cassia smiled to herself, what a pleasant development, Lance Sanchez was cuddlier.
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