Chapter 3: Splash!

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Levi "Shoot!" I cursed after dropping the two melons I just picked up. I decided to do the shopping for my grandma and I while she headed to the Santillan's ahead of me. I almost snorted and laughed my ass off when in remembered why I was buying the damn melons. Emery. We made fun of this all the time for a reason so childish, the fruit being a sort of derogatory nickname for a woman's boobs. He loves them so much so I knew I had to get some before leaving him hanging on weekends while I help my grandma. I guess I could have asked him to work with us but then he hates Tricia to the bones that he probably would puke while he was there in the mansion. That is, if he sees her there. Then again, that's most likely. "You dropped your melons and now you're utterly speechless." The store owner was looking at me funny as he helped me pick up the stuff I dropped. "Hey, Benji." I don't know why I've never felt awkward with this man even when he had clearly been showing interest in me. I wouldn't have known the meaning of these little gestures until Emery pointed it out. Probably because Benji was never gay before that I knew what he's doing wouldn’t last. His crush on me would go away and then he'd be back to chasing the beautiful girls of the province. Besides, he's like a big brother to me. "Let me guess..." he said pausing as he tilted his head on me. "Emery is upset and you need to get his favorite fruit." I grinned. There was no need to tell him why. Let him assume whatever he was thinking of. Telling him about the whole back story would just end up with me getting invited to a snack before I could finish what I came to the store for. Then, he would offer to take me home. Then, if he knew I would be going to the Santillans, he would also offer to drive me there. "Hey, do you have any plans tomorrow afternoon?" He asked as I was finishing putting my groceries in my bike basket. "Ah..." "There is this basketball game in town. I was wondering if we could go together." He smiled, hopeful like always that I would agree. "I can't. I already have plans tomorrow," I said apologetically. "Sorry." "If you're really sorry, at least let me take you home. Your bike won't be able to take all these..." he said pointing at the stuff I bought, "all the way home without one falling along the way. He was right. My basket was loaded. It was the melons! Benji helped me load my groceries in the backseat of his car and then put my bike in the back. He doesn't own a bicycle but for some reason he has a rack for it in his SUV. Emery said it must have been for me but that's just silly. On our way, we talked about almost anything regarding my school or his store. Perhaps the other reason why I never felt awkward around him was because he had never asked me if I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend like other boys would ask when they come on to me. My best friend said I shouldn't fall for it because he's way too nice and I might just turn gay for him. Good luck with that. "This is me," I announced as the car stopped in front of my home. I could hear Clay in the background, barking happily. He knows the sound of Benji's car. "Thanks, Benji." "Anytime. Hey, can I go see Clay and say hi to him?" He asked. "Sure," I replied before getting off his car. We unloaded the backseat after my bike was put to the side. Then, we headed inside where Clay was wagging his tail, very happy to see me. He barked twice for our guest and sat down, waiting for his head rub. "I don't come here very often but he knows me," Benji said as he petted my dog. They say people who are liked by animals must be good people. Nah. Not all of them. There are ones whose souls probably need a lot of redeeming and saving that animals have to step in and save their asses. "Well, I should probably head back now," Benji said as he followed me to the kitchen where I was depositing the stuff I bought. He was scratching his head while giving me an awkward smile. I simply nodded and thanked him again for taking me home. He looked like he was about to say something but stopped. "I'll see you around, Levi..." "You too, Benji." *** I got a text from my best friend before I got ready to leave and join my grandma at her job. I called him earlier that I would be stopping by his house to give him something. From Emery: Help me! My brows creased after reading his message. This is that kind of message where I should be running out of the house and pedaled my way to his and see what was going on. And so I did. "What the hell happened!?" I bellowed after getting into his house. My bicycle was thrown haphazardly in a rush to get inside and see what was wrong. Emery was standing in the middle of the living room, with mud all over his shirt and the clothes he was holding in one hand. They looked like they just left the dry cleaners. My best friend seemed to be in shock as he stood there with a phone on another hand. "R-Remember when I told you that we need to get our clothes cleaned and ready for the competition?" I nodded, dreading what he was gonna day next. "Somebody just splashed water and mud all over it!!!" I honestly didn't get mad over his clothes because as I could see, they were protected by the plastic bag it came with. But looking at him, somebody just drove past him without caring what happened. If they did, my best friend wouldn't texting me, "Help me!" Okay maybe he texted me this before for not so bad situations. "Let's get you to the bathroom first, then we'll get to the bottom of this," I told him as I took his phone and the garment bag from him. "Why didn't you stop the car that did this and asked to pay for what they did?" I asked after we were done and he was in clean dry clothes again. "I don't know," he replied, pouting. "What was I supposed to ask?" I was shaking my head. My best friend was too good for the world. To make his mood better, I told him I got him melons which I hoped didn't get crushed when I kicked my bicycle earlier. I was able to remember to bring them with me on my way here. "Where did you get splashed? What kind of car was it?" I asked him. "Half a kilometer?" he said. "Just before the road that leads to the Santillan's orchard." The corner of his lips curved upward. There's something about that family that just didn't sit right with him. "Ah, expensive car!" He added. "You know with that stupid symbol in the front." If it wasn't one of the Santillan's cars which Emery would have recognized, then it must be one of their visitors. Either way, I might be able to know if I get the chance to visit the orchard. Could it be... I shook my head at my odd curiosity. Then again, if this person's car caused this chaos with my sweet best friend, he's already in my blacklist.
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