Chapter 5: Fluttery Feeling

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Levi My grandma and I helped with making lunch for the Santillan before the patriarch came back with their guest. After getting done, I was free to take care of Clay because I knew for sure he would be running around without his collar again. He was an expert in taking them off. I already had a long morning, cleaning here and there to help my grandma. She was the one assigned to prepare the guest room for Tricia's husband-to-be. I offered a hand and we got the chore done in no time. "Clay! Come on, bud. Now's not the time to make me chase you." I had been going after my furry best friend but, like any other time I take him somewhere, he always loved to run around freely. "Yaa!" I yelled as I ran after my dog, laughing afterwards even when I was panting. I finally caught him minutes later and had his collar back onto his neck. "You silly dog," I told Clay and I got a bark back. As I was done putting his collar on, I felt like someone had been watching me. I looked up and found a man standing by the balcony of one of the rooms in the mansion. Ah... Tricia's husband-to-be. The helpers couldn't stop talking about this guy. And I'm guessing he's the owner of that expensive Cadillac that splashed water all over my Emery. This bastard... I turned around to leave with my dog. All of a sudden, I heard him say, "hey!" Turning around, I muttered curses under my breath. How dare he say "hey" to me? Seeing him unable to form another word, I asked him, "Yes, mister?" He seemed speechless. Oh well. I had no time for whatever he was going to say. He may be the Santillan's guest of honor, but I ain't his boy-maid around here. He could ask someone else to do something for him. "Come on, Clay. Let's wait for grandma so we can head home," I said as I left my dog on the other side of the house. It was already dinner time when the Santillan let my grandma and I go. I wish it had been sooner because I saw that man again. Tricia was all over him that afternoon as he strolled around the estate with his bodyguard or whatever. There's something about his eyes though. He looked dangerous to me. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I swear I could see hawk's eyes in them. He's like looking straight into your soul or something. *** "So tomorrow will be the last day of preparing, grandma?" I asked after we had dinner that night at home. "Yes, it appears so. So no need to be worried about me working too much," she smiled and gave me a playful side eye. "You've been stealing my work today. I'm not a frail old woman." "But you're my grandma," I whined. "You can't be lifting heavy stuff there just because you're cleaning this or that. Ask someone. Good thing I was there." My grandma was a stubborn woman. If she cleans a room and there's a couch that needs moving, she will move it by herself without asking anyone for help. I was thinking she just didn't want to bother asking anyone. She had been working ever since I could remember and I worried about that. As the only family I had left, I wanted her to be healthy and live longer so I could show her the fruits of all her hard work when I finished college. Or maybe when I found a very good job and then had a beautiful family and great grandkids for her. We were back at the Santillan's house the very next day. We were told that the wedding wouldn't be held the next weekend but the day after. I thought I had enough time to plan my best friend's revenge on the man who splashed her with water the other day. I guess not. Oh, well. I'll just try to do it today. The whole estate was busy for the grand ceremony. It was also my chance to sneak one in that car. My grandmother had lots of help preparing the kitchen, which was a very good thing. I went to the front of the mansion where Cadillac was and there it was. Sitting in all its glory about to get painted, a subtle greeting from moi. Dare he do that to my Emery. I wasn't gonna do major damage to it. Just a tiny bit of a reminder not to mess with others on the road. With a permanent marker, I went to the back of the car. With almost unnoticeable wording, I wrote, "I suck" repeatedly from one end to the other. I was going to write some on the driver's side when I found the door unlocked. Awesome! I opened the door and my face immediately hit something. Or someone. My body got pulled into the car before I got the chance to scream or struggle. "You wanna write something inside, too?" A soft yet firm and dominant voice hissed at me. I looked up and saw the man I met the day before. His eyes didn't look like hawks from this close-up view, but they sure still looked menacing. Wow... I blinked in surprise when I felt a hand sneak into my back. Only then did I realize that I was in his lap. "S-Sorry. Wrong car." "I don't think so..." he said with a playful smirk on his face. I couldn't get my eyes off him. He was like a model in one of those motorcycle magazines. Like what my female classmates would drool about what it was, the 100 sexiest men alive. This man didn't even have to be in swim trunks or underwear. Damn it. Where was my head going to? Lerhk! "E-Excuse me. I really should go," I said, stammering about that matter. Who wouldn't be? I was in the lap of Mr. Sexiest Man alive with brown eyes. Oh, s**t. I've gone gay. I just needed to do some graffiti not get a free ride on some pretty strong legs. Of a man! I heard an amused chuckle from him and my eyes travelled down to his lips. Shet! "So, may I know the name of my car burglar?" He asked me, which was surprising. Maybe not that surprising compared to him having me on his lap and keeping me still in it. Raising his brows, he looked at me waiting for an answer. "L-Levi..." I stuttered. What the— His eyes blinked and I swore they wanted me to lean closer. I. Should. Really. Go. "Levi..." His voice calling my name just made my face catch on fire. And what's with the fluttery feeling in my stomach? Did I just...?
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