Chapter 150 A Socially Inappropriate Game

1112 Words

           “Feulliage Paige!” Gracelyn snapped. “Don’t mess around. Give back my phone! I have urgent business to attend to!”           “It is possible for me to return your phone,” the girl laughed, “but first you must tell me all the juicy details of your love affair! Where does my future sister-in-law come from? What does she look like? How old is she?”          Gracelyn frowned in irritation. He lunged for the phone but she dodged him easily and shoved his phone into her brassiere. “Ha! Ha!” Feulliage laughed as she patted his phone. “You can come and get it, but I doubt that you dare!”         “Shut up!” Gracelyn yelled. “Feulliage Paige, you are already 15-years old and, with the breasts of someone much older than yourself, can’t you see that you’ve crossed a line here!?!? What w

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