Chapter 12

1615 Words

By the expedient of ninety-three wrong turns, Andi was standing in two feet of chilly water. The officer had asked her to make sure the helo was locked to keep teens from rummaging around inside, which it hadn’t been. Not the sort of thing she’d had to worry about in the military. By the time she’d jogged down and taken care of it, everyone else was gone. The officer joined her as she tested the various lobby doors—all locked. He didn’t look put out, enjoying the chance to flirt with her. He was very nice about it, so she let him. As she circled behind the building looking for another way in, someone went hustling in through a steel security door. She’d managed to snag the handle before it latched, but her guide was long gone once she was inside. That was the first of her ninety-three

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