Chapter 8

385 Words
Miranda sent Taz to ride up front with Andi, “There’s a playing field behind McCaw Hall at Seattle Center called Memorial Stadium. Could you arrange for us to land there?” “On it!” Taz yanked out her phone and was dialing before they’d even hovered out of the hangar. Once they were clear of the island, Miranda switched the intercom to Cabin Only so that they wouldn’t disturb Andi or Taz. The rear of the helicopter had the VIP configuration: two seats behind the pilots facing aft and two more at the rear facing forward. She sat in the back left with Mike beside her and Jeremy facing backward beside Holly. “Jeremy, I’d like you to treat this as a training investigation. I want you to be the Investigator-in-Charge.” “Really, Miranda? Oh my gosh, that’s so wonderful. Isn’t that wonderful, Taz?” He turned to her but his seat was back-to-back with hers and she was still on the phone. Even if she had heard, he didn’t give her time to answer before continuing. “I can’t believe that you trust me to do that. But what are you going to do? I mean, you’re the one who—” youHolly punched his arm hard enough to send him slamming into the closed door of the helo. “Ow!” Mike patted his knee consolingly. “Rule Number One of being an IIC, buddy: listen more—talk less.” “Got it. Right. Makes sense. Listen more, talk less. Listen more, talk less. I’ll work on that. What else? Tell me more that I need to—” Holly held up a finger. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Listen more, talk less. Got it.” Miranda tried to think of what else to say, but Holly had told her that part of her role was to keep her mouth shut. Holly was the one who answered him, apparently ignoring her own advice. “You’re in charge now, Jeremy. Go on. Take the lead.” “Well, if I’m the IIC now…” he turned to face Holly, “…you can stop punching me.” “There’s hope for him yet,” Mike whispered in Miranda’s ear as Holly patted him on the head hard enough to have him cringing.
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