Chapter 43

1675 Words

“Terence!” Andi jumped at Miranda’s shout. Miranda never shouted. It was loud enough to be heard over the roar of a departing air ambulance. “Mirrie!” The Director of the NTSB Training Center cried just as loudly. She rushed away from the team. The director wrapped her in a bear hug. For the first time in Andi’s experience, Miranda returned the hug without any hesitation. Andi had only met him once, as he’d dragged her from class and shipped her out to Groom Lake to join Miranda’s team on no notice. On that occasion he’d been the stiffly polite and slightly terrifying head of the training center—an elegant African American with hair gone past gray to white. As much of a legend at the NTSB as Miranda herself. “I’m so glad they called you! Now that the absolute best is in charge here, t

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