Chapter 1

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1 Fat snowflakes fluttered about on the other side of the window, some pressing up against the glass and melting in seconds. It was hard to see much else on this overcast afternoon – Jack could just make out another apartment building across the way – when the storm and the darkening sky cut off visibility. His mother's kitchen was simple but homey; dark wooden cupboards encircled a linoleum tile floor, all lit by a single large bulb in the ceiling. The square-shaped table in the corner offered just enough room for two people. Jack wore jeans and a thick gray sweater as he sat in one chair with his head down. “So, then I pull off the hood,” he said with a shrug. “And she looks just like Jena. But she isn't Jena.” His mother was leaning against the stove with arms folded, frowning as she nodded along with the story. “Must have been hard,” she murmured. “You never said much about Jena, but I knew she had your respect.” In fuzzy pajama pants and an over-sized sweater of her own, Crystal looked as if she were ready to hibernate for the rest of one very long Canadian winter. Blonde hair fell in waves around a face with a few noticeable lines, but she was still her vibrant self. Hell, she looked better than she had the last time he had seen her. That had been just over five months ago, on the day when he had departed for Leyria. It seemed the single life agreed with Crystal. “My little boy,” she said. “Assistant to the head of the Justice Keepers.” Jack felt his face burn. Hunching over, he pressed a palm to his forehead. “That's my mom for you,” he teased. “Big with the careerism. You do know that it's really not a big deal, right?” “I'm only trying to be supportive.” He felt his lips curl into a smile, then shook his head slowly. “Your gently-worded reprimand has been duly noted,” Jack replied. “Rest assured that I will respond with the appropriate amount of guilt and a renewed appreciation for your firm but loving style of parenting.” “That's all I ask.” Outside, the wind was howling, pelting the window with snowflakes. Back home – had he really just thought of Leyria as home? – it was the height of summer, but January in Winnipeg was a season of hot chocolate, warm fires and unsafe driving conditions. He had been so eager to see his family when Larani informed him that she would be visiting Earth for two weeks that he had practically hopped on board a transport without so much as packing a suitcase. Well…he had done that much. But in typical Jack Hunter fashion, he had stuffed the thing with clothes meant for summer weather. Trying to buy a sweater and a coat with a credit card that was no longer active was…not fun. He'd given some thought to asking Melissa if she wanted to come back with him for a few weeks – it would do the girl some good to see her mother – but she had gone on a mission with Anna, and that was…Well, he wasn't getting in the middle of that. Crystal turned her head to look out the window, a solemn expression on her face. “It's a shame you couldn't be here for Christmas,” she said softly. “It just wasn't the same without you.” Biting his lower lip, Jack closed his eyes. “I hear you,” he said with a curt nod. “But I think I've had enough Christmas to last me for several years. I'm still reeling from Dad's big speech at the dinner table.” He got out of his chair, slipping hands into his back pockets and making his way to the window. “I'm just here for a couple weeks,” he said. “Larani wanted me to interview a few people that she thought might have been involved with Slade.” “And were they?” “Not to my knowledge.” Of course, that particular investigation – the one that had consumed most of his time over the last six months – seemed to go one way. Jack would go after someone only to find that they were clean as a whistle. Or maybe something in their record would look shady, but it would be impossible to prove anything beyond what seemed to be an unfortunate coincidence. With the exception of Cara Sinthel, he had caught exactly no one, and there were still traitors among the Keepers. Jensen Noralis had released Cara from her cell only to get trapped there himself when Harry overpowered him. He didn't have to look at his mom to sense her standing by the stove, drumming fingers on her thigh while she studied the floor tiles. “So, are we gonna talk about what you want to talk about.” “Ah, the standard momly advice chat,” Jack said. “You know, I think I've come to prefer having them over vid-com. Less chance that you'll swat me.” “What's going on between you and Anna?” Jack crossed his arms with a heavy sigh, hanging his head as the frustration set in. “What makes you think something is going on with us?” Good; his voice was steady. “I think she's doing just fine.” His mother slouched against the stove and looked up to blink at the light bulb in the ceiling. “Well, there's the fact that you think she's doing just fine,” she answered. “For the last four years, you've known everything about that girl.” “She doesn't tell me everything.” “Answer my question.” Why did parents always do this? Well…Not parents. Just his mother. His father, on the other hand, wouldn't notice if Jack started crying his eyes out right there in front of him, and if Arthur did notice, it would only result in a lecture about being a man. “Mom, I would rather not talk about it.” “I'd rather live in the Bahamas.” “You could live in the Bahamas.” “Not on my salary.” He spun to face his mother, marching toward her with his arms folded, unable to look up and meet her gaze. “Come to Leyria,” Jack offered. “We can set you up on some tropical island for the rest of your life.” “I can't just up and leave.” “Why not?” Jack shot back. “Not to go all reverse George Bailey on you, but you really aren't needed here. Lauren's happy; Dad seems to be doing quite well on his own. Why not just be selfish for a change?” His mother looked up at him with sympathetic brown eyes, blinking a few times. “Over fifty years of patriarchy telling me I should put my family's needs first,” she said. “And besides, your reference was off. That was technically a reverse Clarence. Accuracy is everything.” “You're out referencing me?” “Are you gonna tell me about Anna?” “Nothing to tell,” Jack said, turning away and pacing through the kitchen. All of a sudden, he was practically buzzing with nervous energy. “We fell in love, but she had a boyfriend. So, she called it quits with both of us, and now she's not speaking to me.” He could see Crystal standing there in his mind's eye, her face pained as she took in the information. “That's rough,” she said. “Just give it time, Jack; that girl loves you with all her heart.” Summer agreed. Jack shut his eyes and felt one tear sliding over his cheek. “Yeah,” he said, nodding his agreement. “You're not the first person to say as much. But I can't let myself hope for something that's never gonna happen.” “Sweetie…” “Nah, Mom,” he said. “Just let this one be.” Tanaben Loranai was all right. Not great, not spectacular, not one hundred percent satisfied with his life, but all right. And that was all he needed to be for the moment. Despite all odds, he'd found a gig with a small group of people who developed multi-tool apps. Not that it really mattered in terms of material need. This wasn't Earth; he would always have a roof over his head and food in his belly no matter what he did. A fulfilling life, however, required a certain amount of challenge. The human brain was not meant for idleness. He could always work on his own projects, of course – give them to the Collaborative Commons, and see if anyone was interested in whatever he came up with – but that was a massive undertaking. He preferred to work with people. But who would work with a convicted criminal? Apparently, a small group of individuals who designed new protocols for nanobot fabrication was perfectly willing to bring him on board. Maybe it was because Ben had rigged his old multi-tool to fabricate things that went well beyond the design specs. Sunlight through large rectangular windows illuminated the common room of this small office they shared, a room of sea-foam green walls, where computer consoles were arrayed in a ring. They didn't need much floor space – just a kitchen, a lounge and a place to work – but it would do. A segment of Ben's desk was tilted upward and raised to eye level, and white text scrolled along the sheet of SmartGlass. He reviewed the code for what seemed like the hundredth time, searching for a bug. Ben sat forward with one elbow on his knee, covering his mouth with three fingers. “Where are you?” he asked, eyes flicking back and forth. “Come on…I know that you're in there somewhere.” Something caught his eye. He wheeled his chair back from the desk and thrust his hand out, pointing at the screen. “Right there!” he exclaimed. “In the secondary networking function. If you leave the code like that, hackers will be able to disable a tool's fabrication module, and the only way to fix it would be a complete firmware refresh.” His supervisor came over. Dex Velori was a tall man with sun-darkened skin, a thick brown goatee and hair that he wore parted to one side. A good guy, really, though Ben still couldn't figure out why he would want a felon on his team. Dex bent over with his hands on his knees, peering into the screen. “Layat's ghost!” he said. “I think our boy found it!” The four other people in this room – two men and two women – all started clapping and cheering him on. Alesi Tyse, a plump dark-skinned woman with a bob of black hair, stood and said, “We've been at that for weeks.” Red-faced with chagrin, Ben closed his eyes. “It really wasn't that big of a deal,” he said. “I just looked at the code…thought about how I'd break it if I wanted to control…” Finishing that sentence was too difficult. The last thing he wanted to do was remind these people of his criminal past. But despite the fact that he had done just that, they were still clapping him on the shoulder, telling him how glad they were about him being here. Almost as if his past didn't matter. A fresh start. It was a strange thing, being confronted with exactly what you wanted. Until now, he had never imagined that it would be possible. He was still having a hard time allowing himself to believe that it was really happening. Dex backed away from his desk, standing in the warm sunlight that came in via the window. “You did a good job, Tanaben,” he said. “I knew bringing you onto this project was a good idea.” Ben swiveled around. Leaning back in his chair with arms folded, he frowned up at the man. “I still don't get it,” he said, shaking his head. “You know everything I did; I was upfront about all of that…Why would you want me working for you?” Dex looked down at his own shoes, deep creases forming in his brow. “You really have to ask?” he mumbled. “Tanaben, I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but more to the point, who better to strengthen our security than someone who used to break security systems?” “I see your point,” “We get that bug fixed,” Dex added, “and the app can be released to the Commons Review Board in less than three months. People will use our software to improve their fabrication units. Think about that.” Ben grinned into his own lap, nodding his agreement. “I take your point,” he said. “I'm just glad I could help.” “We're glad to have you.” Gratitude: that was a new experience. Even before Tyron exposed his actions out on the Fringe, Ben had worried that maybe one day, someone would find out about what he had done. What he had done… What he had done was save lives, but try telling that to the arbiters who had passed judgment on him. Try telling that to Larani Tal. He could still remember the sting of her words when he'd asked Keli to read Isara's mind. Well…maybe life as a public servant wasn't for him. He slouched in his chair with arms crossed, tilting his head back to blink up at the ceiling. “It's been rough,” Ben said. “After everything that happened…It's nice to know someone is happy to accept my contributions.” Dex performed a quick about-face and paced a line in front of the window. The man paused after a few steps, looking back over his shoulder. “A few of us are going to lunch in about an hour,” he said. “Join us.” “Count on it.” Yes, Tanaben Loranai was doing all right. Jack popped by his house at least once a week, and he often asked Ben whether there was any chance that he might be willing to work with the Keepers again. But no. That life was behind him. The danger, the fear, the boyfriends who turned their back on you when they found out about something you had done six years ago: all in the past. For once, things were easy. The air was warm and muggy on a beach where a twilight sky stretched on to the distant horizon. Waves lapped at the sandy shore in sprays of white foam, and the gulls were squawking in the distance. A lovely setting, to be sure, which was why Jack wondered what had made Cassi call him all the way down here to Buenos Aires. Her message had just said that he was to meet her at these coordinates – she had used a GPS – with no explanation as to why. Was this Keeper business? He doubted it. Larani had brought both of her aides with her to Earth, and Cassi seemed to want to take every available opportunity to go sight-seeing. Jack supposed he couldn't blame her. This was his world, after all, and she was trying to get to know it. But it was all just a little too relationshipy for him. He wasn't ready for that. In sneakers, jeans and a tight gray t-shirt with a v-neck, Jack walked through the sand with his head down. “Lovely setting,” he called out. “You wanna tell me why you had me come down here?” Cassi was sitting with her legs stretched out on a blanket, looking gorgeous in a strapless purple dress. The wind teased her pink hair, and she laughed as if it tickled. “I thought we might have a late dinner.” Jack noticed the picnic basket that she had brought with her and the tiny candles she had burning in little glass jars. So, this was a date then. Summer was nervous about that; the Nassai was vocal in her opposition to Jack pursuing a relationship that he didn't really want. He should probably just nip this thing in the bud. Grinning like a fool, Jack stared down at his own feet. He rubbed his forehead with the back of one hand. “Yeah, I appreciate the effort,” he began. “But I think we both have a lot of work to do.” “What work?” “Reports for Larani?” Cassi looked up to pout at him, soft candlelight casting flickering shadows on her face. “All of that is done,” she said. “Besides, we've been here for over a week, and we spent most of that time on the station.” Jack dropped to his knees on the blanket, glancing toward the ocean. The dark waves lapping at the shore held attention for a little while. God, he really didn't want to have this conversation. “Well, we've been busy.” That excuse sounded hollow in his ears. “It hasn't exactly been an ideal week for touristy fun times.” “Are you sure that's it?” My oh my, this was reminding him of conversations he'd had with Gabi less than one year ago. Always some excuse for why he couldn't do whatever it was she wanted to do. Which, in this case, was meet his family. Cassi was in full girlfriend mode, and Jack Hunter was living in Avoidance Central. He had never thought he'd catch himself doing that particular dance. It wasn't that he didn't like Cassi – God help him, he was physically attracted to her – but she seemed to be wanting an emotional commitment, and…Well, maybe that would sort itself out if he just gave it time. Summer was angry with him. “What did you bring?” he asked. He opened the basket to find a small container full of broccoli soup, and when he opened the lid, hot steam rose up with a delicious scent. Well…At least Cassi knew what he liked. But that just made his gut twist. She was stretched out before him, resting on her elbows as she stared off into the distance. “Still thinking about her?” Cassi asked. “The woman who cut you to pieces? You know that moping won't make it better, yes?” Jack looked up to fix his gaze on her, then narrowed his eyes. “I'm well aware that I can't simply will my desires into existence,” he said. “But even if I were 'moping,' putting me down for it isn't helpful.” “Just offering some perspective.” Clamping a hand over his mouth, Jack shut his eyes and cleared his throat. “Yeah. A perspective that nobody asked for,” he said, letting his arm drop. “Cass, I know you mean well, but you have to let me sort this one out on my own.” She tossed her head back, rolling her eyes. “As you say.” Instead of the fight that he had expected, Cassi just rolled onto her side and watched the waves lick the shore. “Your planet is beautiful.” “So I've been told.” “Why do your governments take such poor care of it?” Jack fell backward with hands folded behind his head, smiling up at the night sky. “Wish I could tell you,” he mumbled. “I've been trying to figure that one out since I was nine years old.” “Our world had similar problems with pollution,” Cassi explained. “But the fossil fuel deposits on Leyria weren't nearly so rich as they were here, and we had to develop other technologies. We suspect it had something to do with the fact that the Overseers terraformed our world. Life didn't have millions of years to develop naturally.” “That makes sense…” “So, you don't want to do any sight-seeing?” she asked. “Might be your last chance to show me your hometown for a while.” Crossing his arms, Jack sat up until he was hunched over, then shook his head. “At the moment, my hometown is covered in snow,” he said. “I did the obligatory visits: Dad, Lauren, Mumsy Dearest. I'd rather just get my work done.” When he looked up, she was staring at him with flickering candlelight reflected in those purple eyes. “Jack,” she said flatly. “We've interviewed everyone on our list. What's that phrase your people use? Zip, zilch, nada?” “Well, sure…if you wanna be all 90s about it.” “The point is you've earned a break.” “You weren't here these last four years,” he said. “Someone let Wesley Pennfield out of his cell. Leo kept hinting about knowledge from a source we couldn't trace. If we have a chance to clean house here on Earth, I'd rather not pass it up.” With a sigh of exasperation, Cassi shuffled about on the blanket until her back was to him. She sat there with her legs curled up, hugging her knees and watching the water. “You realize there's a simple explanation for both of those things,” she said. “We know that Isara posed as Director Morane and leaked sensitive information to our enemies. It's likely she was responsible for releasing Pennfield.” It was plausible. Jena had been on Earth in those first few weeks when Earthers and Leyrians were still learning how to talk to each other. Her presence would have provided Isara with an opportunity to do some damage. But it was just a little too simple for Jack's liking. Giving Isara credit for every security breach that had taken place over the last four years seemed like a very good way to ignore other potential threats. And why would Isara risk exposing herself by funneling information to Leo? It wasn't like he could do anything with it, stuck in a cell as he was. Isara was extremely practical, focused and methodical; she wasn't prone to leaving her mark just to prove she had been there. Of course, there might be a way to find out… He picked up the container of soup, dipped a spoon into it and began shoveling it into his mouth as fast as he could, ignoring the heat. “This is great,” he mumbled around the spoon. “Where did you get it?” Glancing back over her shoulder, Cassi squinted at him. “Bleakness take me,” she said. “You're gonna give yourself a stomach ache! Slow down.” “Can't,” Jack replied. “I've got me an idea.”
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