9. I missed you

2021 Words
It hasn't been an hour since the quaking started. Inside the cave was full of peace, it was like the eye of the storm and at the center of that eye was Bella. Her eyelids fluttered open and the dark greeted her. There were no longer blue flames that kept this place bright and warm. However, even with the cold atmosphere of the cave, Bella didn't feel cold at all. Her insides were warm and she knew why and what was the reason. She placed her hand in her chest where her heart was, however, it wasn't her heart she was feeling but the peacefully swirling flame beside it. The blue flames have found their place in Bella. A low growl echoed inside the cave and Bella knew immediately that it was Lyca. "Hmm. Don't you think it's too dark now? I can't see anything." Bella spoke to Lyca. A few seconds later she felt Lyca's paw in her hand and guided it into the air. Bella tilted her head out of confusion at Lyca's actions. She wondered why would Lyca guide her hand into the air with her palms facing upwards, like the gesture she had always done when she wanted to feel the raindrops. Bella thought if there was something that she was supposed to feel, but it was too dark to see what it was. It was when it came to the point where Bella wished to see in this darkness did she feel a rush of warmth coming from her heart tracing to her shoulder and arm before a blue flame appeared on top of her palm. Bella's eyes were wide open at what just happened. She recalled every moment when the surging warmth traced from her heart to her fingertips. She was more than shocked to know that she could do something amazing. Something that she had only dreamed of doing as a kid back when she was still a child who believe in her grandmother's fairytales. "I... guess I can do magical things now. Haha." Her awkward laugh made Lyca smile but Bella didn't have the chance to see it as she was too focused on the blue flame on top of her palm. However, the smile on Lyca's face disappeared sooner rather than later. They had to leave and go back to the village. They had to before the situation on the island gets worse. Lyca walked towards Bella and bit the hem of her clothes. This made Bella snap out of her thoughts and look over at Lyca. The creature's eyes were telling her to get on her back and Bella strangely understood Lyca's message without any effort. With swift movements, Bella hopped on Lyca's back and held her fur. "Let's go back," Bella announced and made the blue flame guide them out of the dark cave. The blue flame ahead became their light as they both headed toward the only exit. Once the light from the outside illuminated the dark cave Bella withdrew the blue flame and felt the warmth tracing back to her heart. Lyca jumped out of the hole with swift and soundless movements before running full speed up to the mountain. With Lyca's speed, it didn't take them long to arrive back at Matias' village. Bella's eyes were wide as they entered, her body was tensed and stunned at the sight of the destroyed infrastructure and the gloomy atmosphere. It looked like a massive earthquake had just hit the village without knowing that she was the cause of that very disaster. Lyca seemed to be calm as if she already knew what had happened in their absence and that was because of her power. Lyca's speed had gone down considerably as if she was taking Bella's thought pacing into consideration. "Let's go to the estate, Lyca. I need to talk to Matias." With silence reigning over the two of them, Lyca did as Bella told. Bella jumped out of Lyca's back and walked beside her. She was not looking around anymore because of the rush she was feeling. Bella needed to talk to Matias right away. She had no idea if Matias knew of the blue flames but she still need to tell him. 'Is this the right choice?' Bella stared at the ground as she continued walking. She was doubting her own decision. At this time, it was more natural to be doubtful of herself. Matias may have shown her that he was someone to be trusted, but Bella believed that there were still things that need to be kept hidden even from a trustworthy person. "Bella?" A deep voice called Bella's name but because her mind wandered in her thoughts Bella didn't manage to see the man a few meters ahead of her. "Bella!" Lucaon shouted as he ran towards her. Bella had snapped out of her thoughts after Lyca pushed her to the side using her body. Only then did Bella notice the huge man rushing towards her. For a moment, she thought that a bull was charging at full speed toward her, and made her scared. "Where the heck have you been? You were gone for days! For the god Malriwa's sake, you scared me!" Lucaon arrived right in front of Bella. He had managed to stop himself from bulldozing Bella. Bella could not help but smile at Lucaon's actions. She thought that this huge man, who looked like he could crush a boulder with only his two hands was telling her that he was scared. All the more reason which made her smile was because of his reason for being scared. "Why are you even smiling? When the earthquake occurred I was so worried that something may have happened to you! Your life could have been in danger so, why are you smiling about it?" Lucaon grabbed Bella's shoulders and gripped them tightly but his touch was soft. "It's nothing. I was just happy to see you and also looking at you rant at me about how worried you were made me happy." Bella smiled at Lucaon, her neck was craned to look into his set of dark eyes. Lucaon could only stare at Bella as she smile at him. Looking at her and studying her expression made Lucaon realize that she wasn't hurt but her eyes showed great fatigue. "Since, you are now back. You must have been tired from all of the things that you have encountered up till now. Go inside and rest. Your room must be clean by now as I have ordered a servant to clean it." Lucaon looked away from Bella but his hands were still resting on her shoulders. Unlike his words, his actions tell her otherwise. Bella wanted to stay with him for a little more, too. However, she needed to prioritize talking to Matias and getting rest which she needed. Her hand flew over his and slowly removed it from her shoulders gripping them through the process. "Thank you. Are you going to help the villager now?" Bella asked as she slowly let go of his big hands. Lucaon's eyes were locked on his hands. The sensation of Bella's touch was still there. He could still feel her soft palm in his rough ones. "Yes. I came out to scout and help the villagers rebuild the village. And then I saw you." Lucaon stated, his deep voice lower than usual. "I see." Bella could not handle the intense pressure from Lucaon's gaze and brought her eyes down to his chest. "You really should go and rest now. I'll be back after doing my job here. Then, see you later." Lucaon walked away after bidding goodbye to Bella while the latter stayed rooted to her feet. "Grrr." Lyca pushed Bella forward which made her take a step. Only then did she start to move in the opposite direction of Lucaon's. Bella shook away her thoughts about Lucaon and headed straight to Matias' office with a determined look on her face. She knocked on the door and before she could even tell who she was and what her purpose was Matias already answered. "At last. Come in, Bella." With Matias' permission, Bella opened the door and stepped inside the office only to be greeted by an extremely trashed-looking room. "Is this also because of the earthquake?" Bella subconsciously asked. "Why did you think it was because of that big guy throwing a fit for not telling where you were?" Matias smirked as he picked up a book and looked up at Bella. Bella blushed at Matias's casual comment but she immediately stopped any butterfly feelings from building up in her stomach. "Unfortunately, as you can see. There is no place to sit anywhere in here so we must proceed with the main topic while remaining standing." Matias noticed Bella's serious expression and went with the flow. "Whatever do you need to tell me?" "I discovered a place." Bella started. "A place?" "A cave to be exact. I was near the shore. At first, I thought it was just like any of the other caves I knew, but it wasn't. It was Lyca who guided me to that place." Bella explained. "Lyca and a cave? And an unordinary cave at that? It is not surprising because it was Lyca who guided you there. But what made it look abnormal?" Matias asked with a curious voice but wore a serious face. "The entrance was like any other cave I know, but as we went deeper the place started to lighting became from dark to a blue hue, and then at the end of the cave were torches with blue flames. And the cave walls... there were writings on them. Writings that I know nothing of." Bella frowned after recalling her experience back in that cave. "Blue flames and writings? Can they be scriptures of some sort?" Matias also wore a frown on his forehead but contrary to Bella's his was for a different reason. And that feeling was confusion. Looking at Matias' reaction to her information, Bella could not help feeling down. She had already expected that Matias would not know anything about the blue flames, however, she still hoped that he would at least have something that he knows that intersected with her information. "This is something that was hidden for secrecy due to most obvious reasons. Do not worry. I will not tell anyone about this. For now, I will investigate the cave myself, but I first need to rebuild the village." Matias left the topic for some time else. "Rest in your room. You must have been tired from your journey." He urged Bella to rest. "Thank you. And I trust that you will keep this a secret between the two of us and Lyca." Bella stated before going out of the room. She headed to her room and was surprised to see that it looked just like how she left it with Lyca lying on top of her bed. "I guess we both should rest together. I'm sure you are tired, too. I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate." Bella sat on the edge of the bed and petted Lyca's body. She brushed the mystical beast's shining fur and lay down beside her. The room was quiet and peaceful compared to the bustling crowd outside. The rebuilding project of the village has already started early at the night and it was midnight before the contractors had the chance to take a break. Lucaon sneaked into Bella's room and sat on the floor beside her bed. He brushed her soft hair as he listened to her breath and her constant soft snoring. He spent his entire break caressing her hair than her face, memorizing each of her features before kissing her forehead and standing up. "I missed you." He whispered. From the side of their eyes, he saw Lyca looking up at him. The beast's eyes seemed to glow in the dark. Luca smiled at Lyca and put his forefinger on his lips. "Shhh." He quietly hushed as he slipped away back to the site.
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