The God Spoke

872 Words

Bella got back to Matias's tribe. there dhe found the best doctors in the tribe attending to Lucaon's wounds. Upon seeing that he was getting the best help that he could Bella could finally able to breathe freely. She was scared that Lucaon may be gone to a far away place where she could not touch him or even set her eyes on him. Matiad who was watching as the doctors attended to Lucaon noticed Bella's presence on the door and stood up from where he was sitting. The atmosphere inside the room was tense as the doctors worked so Matias led Bella away from the room to not distract the doctors. "You are back. If I am not crossing the line, may I ask what happened when we left the underground base?" Matias looked Bella in the eyes. The air became serious in an instant after Matias asked his

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