I'm strong

764 Words

Matias had long since left the room and since then Bella and Lucaon was silent for the whole time. Not one if them dared to speak and because of that the atmosphere inside the room had become awkward. "I am sorry." Bella who was looking down at her hands resting in her lap managed to get three words out of her mouth, but Lucaon did not like the words that she had said. "It is not your fault, so you do not have to apologize. It was my decision to go with them to that place." Lucaon was looking straight at Bella's guilty and sullen face as he explained and tried to soothe her with his words. However, Bella's facial expression did not waver even a little bit. In fact, it only became even more sullen and guilty. "But if you have not met me and saved me back then then Wyatt would not have

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