This lifetime or the next

996 Words

Lucaon stared at Bella's retreating back until it disappeared on the door leading inside the estate. Lyca, who was lying on the grass not too far from them heard everything just now. The mystical beast took a deep breath and sighed before she stood up from her lying postion and followed behind Bella. Lucaon's eyes stayed at the door where Bella disappeared to for a couple of minutes before finally standing up and excusing himself. He jogged his way to the door and looked to the left and then to his right trying to figure out which way Bella went. In the end, he decided to go to Bella's room because it was the place that has the highest possibility where Bella could be in Lucaon's mind. Unfortunately, as soon as he arrived at Bella's door and knocked a few times there was no answer. Luc

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