46 - The First Nymphs

1645 Words
(Nisha) I gaped. Ezowny, the one we were staying with for months? We rarely saw him but. The windmill, the strange bits of conversation. What did it all mean? How much did Soleil know about him or choose to ignore? By the sounds of it, the woman sitting before us had somewhat of a sour history with my mentor. “I’ve answered your questions,” the woman said, “now it’s my turn.” My hands felt clammy, so I clasped them in my lap. “Okay.” I couldn’t meet her eyes; I was trying to process all of this. “One second,” Cameron cut in, turning to me. “Is that the one whose windmill we saw?” he asked with wide eyes. I nodded once. “What did he ask you to do?” she asked me, ignoring Cameron. “We were, we were to re-route a river to supply his windmill. He couldn’t move it or build it elsewhere…” I tried to explain sheepishly, not able to look at Cameron. Not able to face the guilt I felt over it. “That’s it?” The woman’s voice was dry. “It took a while to do,” I stammered, suddenly feeling childish as if I should have done more. “That was all he asked of us. That I know of,” I added. “That is out of his scope of magic, but it wouldn’t be something others couldn’t do,” she mused. “How long were you with him?” “Months since mid-winter. We rarely saw him, though,” I explained, worried she would think something happened between us. “And he has a windmill?” The woman snorted. “What a cute little toy.” “It’s not,” Cameron cut in, “the forest around it.” I swear he shuddered. “It’s dying, decaying. It’s not right.” I glanced at the woman, and she swallowed. She shook her head. “As I said, this is out of my hands. He made his choices, and he will have to live with any consequences that come his way. I can only hope they come to him.” The hard bitterness was back in her voice. “If you explain what is missing, what this power is, we can try to help make sure it can never be used again.” Cameron leaned forward, his voice soft but firm. The woman laughed loudly, but there was no joy in it. “You can’t stop it, no one can. If Eldren has sold himself and the world, then he must have given up the information on the other pieces he knows of, or he will soon enough.” “Can you tell us the story of it shattering?” I asked. “When he told the others, and they broke it.” Maybe if we couldn't stop its foraging, we could break it again. Cameron looked at me and smiled slightly; it warmed me a bit. The woman took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you what he told me, but keep in mind the power it would contain now is tenfold what it was then. Let me remember…” She trailed off and closed her eyes. “Take all the time you need,” Cameron said. “I was planning on it, pup,” The woman snapped at him, and he sat back glaring at her, but she couldn’t see. Her eyes were still closed when she started talking. “It was forged before the nymphs disappeared from this world. It was supposed to be a way back, but to what I’m unsure. They either retreated to another plane or they turned into nature. The beacon was supposed to be a tether to call them back if needed. You don’t know about nymphs.” The woman’s eyes were on me, and I shook my head. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my shaking hands. Was I finally about to get some real answers? “The first ones here helped set up the Earth as it is now. They might have come from the deities themselves; they might have come from the Earth. It is a story we will not know the answer to. They were nomads, wandering and creating, designing. They helped balance the Earth, but their power was great. Too great to be held onto forever. There is a thin line between power and destruction; if they had stayed, they could have taken over everything and held onto that power. Once the nymphs were done, they retreated to where is irrelevant.” She waved a bony hand. “It is said some already became addicted to the power they had. But that power was meant to be borrowed, not taken. Some didn’t want to go. They tried to stay. They did stay in a world that wasn’t meant for them.” I shuddered. What did that mean for me? Cameron glanced at me and dipped his head; it was just comforting enough. “Those that stayed soon found out why they should have left. Their powers started to dwindle, but still, they were more powerful than anything of this world.” The woman pursed her lips. “They didn’t have many of their kind, and it would have been a lonely existence.” “Why didn’t they take over then?” Cameron asked. “If they were addicted to power and found out how to stay, why didn’t they use it?” “It is said they tried. But even they are not immortal. They were powerful enough to take over a city? A kingdom? Perhaps. But with the rest gone.” She shrugged. “I heard they were successful in ruling some places for a bit, but by doing that, they exposed themselves and their powers. Humans didn't take too well to being ruled by other species, and they had the numbers. It is said the ones who survived went into hiding, but history is blurry, especially when it comes to our kind. Humans look for witches, but when we are right in front of them, they don’t see them.” Cameron laughed once. “You’re right,” he said, and the woman nodded. “Some say they are still roaming or in hiding. They are powerful, yes, but not enough in this world, especially not now, not against all the unnatural things the humans made." She shuddered. "So they are doomed to this world they created but were never meant to stay in.” She didn’t go on. “But you said they weren’t immortal?” I challenged. “No, but close to it. They can be killed but dying of a natural cause, unheard of.” She shook her head. “So what is Nisha?” Cameron asked, his voice low. “She is a nymph for all purposes. But not a natural one.” “How?” I demanded. “Ask my husband.” A shadow clouded her face. “I need some wine for this.” “I’ll get it for you if you’ll let me,” Cameron said, standing. “Very good, boy.” It was the first time she didn't refer to him as a dog, and he seemed to warm at that. While he went to find it, I turned this over. Was I born from a nymph? No, I came into existence as a teenager. Unless there was another way to be born. “Eldren was a great wizard. Is a great wizard. He helped create the formula, of that I do not know. I know it has to be the blood of a true nymph and the blood of an unbroken line from this world. The rest…” She waved a hand and nodded at Cameron, who handed her a glass. “One for each of you too. It’s nice having company once you shut up.” She almost smiled. Cameron handed me one and sat down. The old woman settled into the seat of her chair, cupping the glass in her hand. “He didn’t tell me everything for my protection as much as his, and if it wasn’t coming to the end well, you wouldn’t know any of it.” Her eyes were far away as she looked into her wine. “Do you know where any of the other pieces are?” Cameron asked softly. “How many are left to be found?” She met his eyes and took a long sip. “This was well before your grandparents. I would say they might have been lost to time, but such is never the way.” She frowned at her now empty glass, and Cameron stood up to refill it. She nodded her head toward him and tapped the side of the glass. “He never checked, never spoke of it again. I could give you a vague location some names, but this would have been one of the last stops, if not the last. Even my husban- even Eldren didn’t know where they all went." “How was it shattered?” I asked again. The woman's weariness and fear were beginning to make me feel helpless even though I was unsure of what. “I don’t know if anyone can be sure. It was an effort between the royal wolves, light witches, and possibly, probably other folk. I know it can’t be worn to be destroyed, and once you feel that power, there were those that turned to protect it.” She rubbed her eyes. “It wasn’t meant to be left in this world.” “How do we know that the pieces aren't already back together?" Cameron asked. Her eyes were as hard as her frown. “When that happens...You will,” The woman promised.
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