I know physically I am no match to him neither can I talk to him eyeball to eyeball. That doesn't mean am a weakling or not physically endowed myself but he's macho like a bouncer. My own physique is that am handsomely build with red lips,of average height and above all am the type that gets any girl they want. He flows with girls also but am a master when it vibes to girls matter. He believes in a steady relationship and love which I strongly oppose. I see girls as s*x toys and nothing more. I guess that's one of the reasons of such hatred though we're yet to clash because of a girl. "Even if he wants to betray me,why will he choose the day my destiny will be unveild",I said to myself. I. a jiffy,he approached me panting while prostrating as a mark of respect and honour. I know he's respecting my title not myself but that's the least of my problems now. "How is this possible? I asked pointing towards the direction of the girl. He pretended not to see the girl and replied 'how is what possible'. 'So you mean to tell me you are not seeing Sonia or are my eyes seeing a ghost' I shouted angrily before he replied sarcastically "Two years ago I was asked to kill her and get rid of the evidence which even you attested to the fact that I did it," so whether you are seeing Sonia now or not is not my problem. We have this policy that whenever an operation is to be carried out,all of us in the brotherhood would give our consent and will check whether it is successful or not and give our report,do what happens after is not our business. As I know there's no point raising voice I quickly changed my tone to see whether I can reason with him,I said calmly "look I know we are not best of friends And I know am your number one on your blacklist but please not today, you see today is sacrosanct to me,please let me know what really happened that day."What do you want to hear from me,are you not among those that inspected the body,please if this is a play,better stop it and who told you that I wanted you dead, stop making up all this ridiculous stories and if you permit me"I've something more important I am doing before you called me,"with this statement,he left before I could alter another word. I was left all speechless,well I had one last bullet to fire,if he's the one that planned this in my D-day,delete him for good but before I do anything,I had to be sure. Before I could divert to another place, Sonia sighted me,she gave this smile and I know I am done for. He had suceeded in leading me to my grave,how dare him stab me in the back? He better be praying I didn't wake up from this dream because I will wipe anything that has to do him out of the surface of this world. He was the one that organized this event in my honour though I made sure I supervised it thoroughly but at the long run,I must have slipped for him to invite Sonia who we all believed died years ago. Whose body did he then presented to us and we all stupidly bought the story,how smart of him and dump of us all. We all have been played and our principle compromised. I will make sure you regret this,I said cursing.