1395 Words

King Zavian's POV "Nothing else has been reported as of yet, your Majesty." Fallon repeated, looking down at a bundle of parchment in his hand. I tried to focus on the letter I had received not long ago from an old friend. As old as they get while I don't. Lord Gerik had sent an invitation to the ball he was preparing to celebrate his grand daughter's coming of age. She would be 20 this year, as mentioned in the letter. Normally I wouldn't give such invitations a second glance, but this was Gerik, the man who was the closest thing to a friend for me after Fallon at one point in life. He was getting older day by day and it would not be wise if I refused. Besides, I was planning to take Davina along. She will be thrilled with the news of a ball, she has not attended one since we got i

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