2272 Words

The wall she was leaning on had stained the back of her gown with a print of crimson blood, her hands were covered in a similar fashion. A grimy sight. Davina opened the barred door of the cell and stepped inside. Foul smell of fresh blood invaded her senses as she did so. Breathing through her mouth, she looked at Gabriel and nodded. Then she glanced at the man bundled in a corner, shivering with fear and groaning in pain. A warm layer of blood was splattered on the ground because of the beatings he received. Davina smiled, "You can start now. I don't have time." How many times had she repeated that already? "Wi-Will you k-keep your pro -mise?" He heaved with great difficulty. Gabriel scoffed arrogantly at the effectiveness of his beatings, and also at his ridiculous question.

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