CHAPTER NINETEEN: the pretty welcoming

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            Fingers were tapping on the surface of the table. The room was filled with a satisfying aroma of coffee. Few noises could be heard—the sound of the coffee machine, the conversations of the people inside, and of course, the sipping of the woman in front of him as she enjoyed her coffee to the maximum level that she would close her eyes in the goodness of the latte.             “Aren’t you going to order something?”             “No.” Zephyr answered, leaning back on his chair.             Casually, Zephyr clasped his hands together at the back of his head and watched Ava sip on her drink. There was foam on her upper lip and he was so tempted to wipe it off. Doing that he would probably scare her out, so he just shut up.             She must probably take some time.             He thought, so he looked around the room studying what was happening around them. He realized for the day that he hadn’t really acted like a bodyguard, but rather her assistant. He should be looking around. Staring at her all the damn time wouldn’t warn him that there would be risks coming.             “Is there something on my face?”             He heard her ask. “Foam.” He said, without looking at her.             “Is that the only reason why you refuse to look at me?”             Zephyr’s brows furrowed in confusion as he turned his head to look at her again. "What?” He did not get it. “What’s so strange about a latte foam on your lip?”             “I don’t know.” She innocently shrugged. “Maybe you’re tempted to wipe it off?”             Zephyr scoffed at her. “Why? Don’t you have hands to do that? And there’s a tissue.” He did not wait for her response and stared at the entrance again.             “You are so rude, you know that?”             “I know.” He answered without looking at her.             “And sarcastic.” There was a hint of annoyance in her tone, almost making him laugh.             “I know that too.”             “Whatever.”             He hated that word very much. When she said that, he could feel her rolling her eyes at him in annoyance while he was so triggered. Anyway, he found nothing strange in the room. People were minding their own business and he wondered if they know who he was with.             Why do they care?             Right, but we can’t be sure because we do not really know what’s going to happen next.             On the other hand, Ava Lauren was secretly staring at her handsome bodyguard while he was not looking at her. She could not take her eyes off his beautiful face. His jaw was chiseled, the nose looked so prominent and since he gave her a side view angle of his face, she could now tell how long and curled his lashes were. Mexicans naturally have those features. They could be easily distinguished from other races by just looking at their hairs.             How come he doesn’t have a girlfriend?             Ava wondered. Was she even sure that the guy did not have a girlfriend?             Well, he shouldn’t be working for me if he has a girlfriend. I’m sure his girlfriend won’t like it if he protects another girl.             Ava frowned at herself. Why she was even concerned about the matter? Why was she even thinking about it? It was not like she was looking for a boyfriend.             Right. I don’t want such things. Waste of time. I’m just doing this to let my father’s anger subdue.             And to teach Zephyr Hernandez a lesson?             Exactly.             Ava smirked when she remembered what happened earlier right before they walked into the café and sit at the corner of the room, near the window. She couldn’t forget how he shouted her name angrily. Ava!             Damn this.             Her smile was getting wider, remembering his dumbfounded face after opening the car door for her. She knew he did not expect that. It was not like she told him to do so and she had not really given him his job description. She just wanted to get under his skin. She knew believed he knew what to do. Bodyguards open the door for the person they protect, right? Right. Well, it was the first he said his name and it would not leave her thought anymore? Why? Because it sounded so beautiful off his tongue even when he was mad. “Where are you going to have lunch?” She finally asked him. She wanted him to look at her face again. When he did not answer and kept staring at the door, she added, “Don’t worry my face is clean now.” Ava was not sure if it sounded funny, but she swore she the corners of his lips twitched up a little. It did something to her heart which actually annoyed her. “Me?” Ava frowned at the question. “You. Yes, you?” “We." He emphasized. "We are going to have lunch together.” This time he finally faced her fully. His eyes were showing seriousness and it made her heart flip again. “There’s a little more foam on the tip of your nose.” He said. Ava’s mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say before she blinked and picked up the tissue beside her empty latte cup. She wiped it across her nose and that was when she heard him chuckle. She scowled at him when she found really nothing on the tissue. He just fooled her. Gritting her teeth, she crumpled the tissue paper and threw it at him but he caught it perfectly. “Let’s go,” Zephyr said, laughing softly. Damn. Even his laugh made her heart soften. It made her weak. Damn this guy. “You stay behind me from now on.” He told her, standing up from his chair and started walking towards the door. Ava hurriedly caught up with his long strides. “Can you walk more slowly?!” She called out once they were outside. “That was slow.” He told her, while surprisingly opening the passenger seat door for her. Ava hated she could not hide the tiny smile on her lips as she hopped in her Maserati. “Thank you.” “You’re pretty welcome.” She heard him mumble before closing the door and rounding the car to get in the driver’s seat. She wished he did not say ‘welcome’ so she would be pretty. A giggle almost escaped from her. Idiot. “Where do you want to eat?” Ava turned her head to look at him when she asked that. “Where are you taking me?” He shrugged. “I don’t know yet. That’s why I’m asking you.” “McDonald’s.” “Great. McDonald’s then.”   The ride to the said fast food restaurant did not take that long. Once Zephyr parked the car, he got out to open the car door for her again and even when they walked inside McDonald’s. He’s getting used to it in just a very short time. I need to think of something else to get back at him. Ava‘s evil mind thought as Zephyr looked for a vacant table for two. He led her to the right side of the room and even pulled the chair out for her. She did not expect that… at all. “I still have to order food for us.” She said, staring up at him since she was already sitting at the table. “No. My treat.” That was all he said before turning around and walk to the counter to order something. She was so starving and she wondered what he was going to get for them. She hoped there would be lots of fries and burgers. She tapped her fingers on the table, patiently waiting for him while looking out the window when it suddenly rained. She watched the raindrops mist the glass walls of McDonald’s and the New Yorkers running across the streets of New York to find shade. The moment was so surreal and beautiful that she put her elbow on the table surface and leaned her cheek on her hand to just watch the scenery outside. She always loved the rain. She played under it so many times when she was a kid outside the mansion. She would run around the fountain in their front yard, wearing a cute dress while her mother looked after her. She enjoyed it so much. The rain and her childhood. When she grew up, everything just changed in a blink. I'd rather not think about it.  “Hey. That problem seems so big.” “Damn it. You startled me.” Ava glared at Zephyr but a huge smile her annoyed expression when she saw the food laid before her on the table. “Oh my God. I’m so starving. Let’s eat now.” “What? You just had a latte.” Zephyr shook his head at her while he sat on the opposite side. “I hope you don’t have allergies.” “No worries. I’m not allergic to anything, but boys.” “Ouch.” He faked a hurt, making Ava laugh. “Thank you for the food.” Ava closed her eyes while saying that before picking up a burger and took a large bite on it. “You are so damn hungry.” Zephyr laughed and started eating as well.                             
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