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“Right. We’re not friends. You can start today.” The last sentence almost made Zephyr jumped on his seat in victory. He wanted to feel excited because he finally got the job, but the look on her face was something any person should not feel excited about. Gone was the innocently scared facial expression of the woman he considered the most beautiful next to his Mom. On her face was now cold eyes staring back at him, trying to think of ways to kill him. Am I that annoying? Cute. He knew why. He obviously knew why her mood was changed in an instant and without a warning. His responses got her reacting this way. He did not mean to be rude, sassy, and sarcastic.             I’m naturally like this.             He wanted to tell her that, but it was too late. Ava Lauren was mad at him.             Why did she hire me, though?             Zephyr wondered. Hesitantly, he tore his eyes off her and looked down at his hands on his laps. He looked at his short nails, pursed his lips, and thought of whether he should ask her why or just let it slip away.             Damn. She’s crossing her arms over her chest. She’s a boss indeed. No. I can’t be intimidated by her.             “Are you sure?”             He was not sure why they were the exact words that came out of his mouth instead. Wasn't he happy he got hired for the job? He had looked up at her face again and after asking her the question, he saw her raising a perfectly plucked brow at him. Damn, bossy.              “That I’m hiring you as my bodyguard?” One corner of her lips lifted up in a smirk. It was the kind of smirk that was telling him to note the sarcasm. “Why? You can’t do it? Why are you here in the first place?”             “Is that a challenge?” He looked right into her eyes, matching her stare. Her words offended him a bit. He dismissed it right away, though.              Her eyes squinted at him, eyeing him seriously. Shaking her head, she leaned closer on the edge of the desk and said, “Only if you take it.”              That's a challenge then.              “With all my heart.” He accepted, leaning into her face without even a warning. Why did it sound more like a promise?             Zephyr watched her face closely. Their faces were just about three inches apart. So close yet so far. He saw the startled reaction on her face. It was not that obvious, but the deep intake of her breath said it all. He could tell she was affected by his presence. He even saw her throat moving. From her eyes, his eyes darted down to her lips. He saw a little movement there and then she saw her tongue darted out to lick the bottom. He wasn’t sure if he should feel satisfied that he had an effect on her or be mad at himself for wanting to kiss those tempting lips. Did it mean she had an effect on him too?            Zephyr almost had goosebumps thinking about it. His eyes traveled back to her eyes, just to see her closing them tightly.             Damn this.             Zephyr pursed his lips, holding back a smile. She looked so freaking cute, he thought. He stared at her face a little longer before finally deciding to make fun of her.             “Why are you closing your eyes?” He whispered. His breath was fanning her face. The whole situation was completely changed and Zephyr making fun of someone was a rare thing.              “Are you going to kiss me?” She asked, still with her eyes closed. Her voice... It came out really daring and sexy. Velvety.              What the f**k?             “What do you think?” He asked instead. What had gotten into his mind?             “Maybe.” She still hadn’t opened her eyes yet.             And why are they whispering?             Zephyr couldn’t help but scoff. This is insane. Just when he was about to lean back on the chair, the office door suddenly opened, making them get back to the proper distance. Proper meant their backs were straightened again they sat on their seat.              “Was I seeing things wrong?”             It was Mason as he walked deeper into the office and stopped beside his Ava. He sounded curious. Zephyr cleared his throat, but also the same time Ava did, making Mason eye them with suspicion and curiosity.             “You’re definitely seeing things wrong.”             Zephyr just looked at Ava when she said that. Why did she sound so defensive? She was making it more obvious. She did not meet Mason’s eyes but attempted to focus on the documents laid out on her desk, but obviously failed. Zephyr found it funny when he heard her sigh deeply, looking so uncomfortable. Too bad.Really sad.              Why is she looking so uneasy?             “Are you alright? Did everything go well while I was not here?” Mason asked again.             Zephyr noticed that the question was addressed more directly to Ava so he just sat back and realize. He was not given further instructions yet so he guessed he had to wait. He noticed Mason looking at him so he looked at the guy and raised his eyebrows, silently asking him what was the matter.             “Are you hired?” Mason asked him.              Great question.              Zephyr nodded his head. “I was just told to start today.”              “Really? That was so fast. You must be someone who possessed the things she wanted from a guy. You won’t believe this, but our boss here rejected all twenty applicants before you. You must be someone she likes.”             Interesting.              “Mason!”             Both Mason and Zephyr’s heads turned to look at the angry woman. Her voice rose up, letting them know that her mood was back to normal again. By normal, it was the most difficult mood to deal with.             Ava Lauren was staring at them with a clenched jaw and so much annoyance in her eyes. Her forehead creased in a deep scowl. Zephyr was just so relaxed, but Mason was already wanting to walk out of the office.             What did he come back here for?             Zephyr was just curious because he saw Mason’s hands empty. He did not bring anything. He knew it was his own office outside, though.              “What? I’m just stating a fact. Why? It’s true anyway. What’s does this man have that you hired him right away.”             “A promise.”             “Promise? What? What are you talking about? What did he promise to you?”             “Do I have to talk to you about it too?” Ava asked, getting more annoyed.             This Mason guy is a talker.             Zephyr couldn’t help the little chuckle in his mouth, making the boss and his assistant look at him.             “Bless you,” Mason muttered at him.             Zephyr just gave Mason a nod.             “What are you here for?” Ava finally asked.             “Oh, I just came back here because I was sure the air would be so thick with tension and I wasn’t wrong when I saw you just about to explore each other’s mouth.” Mason laughed, amused with the situation.             “Mason!” She screamed with power, making Mason shut up.             “First of all, he promised to protect me with all his life. Second, there was nothing wrong. Lastly, we weren’t going to explore each other’s mouths. He just took a fallen lash off my cheek.” Ava lied.             Zephyr’s eyes widened a little bit at her excuse? Wow. That was much unexpected. He smirked at Ava whose face was redder than the tomatoes. She looked cuter when she was angry, but blushing. Smooth, Ava. Really smooth.              “Oh, I see. Should I start to show him around now?” Mason offered.              “Later, Mason. I said I’ll just call you when I need your help.” Ava sighed.             Was she disappointed that they got interrupted?             “Fine. I’ll walk now.” Mason said, starting to walk away from her and to the door, but not before saying, “Go easy with each other! And there's room! Make use of it. Jeez.” And the door closed behind him.             Ava was now left alone with Zephyr… again.             “Where were we left?” Zephyr teased. 
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