CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT: green-eyed monster

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  Zephyr stood outside Ava’s door early in the morning at 7:16, patiently waiting for the woman to come out. It was Monday again, another fresh day to the office. Ava did not have any idea that her sexy bodyguard was already outside waiting for her. Waking up early, Zephyr got ready, and by ready… he had pretty nice and fresh grooming. He took his time in the shower, shaved his facial hair, sprayed his favorite addicting musk, and styled his hair. After doing all that manly stuff, he cooked breakfast for his brother which Xavier found so bizarre. Zephyr knew his brother might have thought something was off with him while he was driving him to the university because it was so silent. Zephyr, himself, did not know why. He just felt like starting anew. Looking dashing in his suit and maroon tie, he shifted on his feet and glanced down at the time on his wristwatch before sighing and putting his hands in his slacks’ pockets. It was seven minutes before seven-thirty already. What was taking her so long? Should I ring the doorbell? Zephyr hesitated, glancing at the door for a moment before finally deciding to just stay because he wanted to see her reaction. However, another five minutes had passed and Ava Lauren had not come out. He was starting to worry. It was passed seven-thirty already. He pursed his lips and glanced at the door again and then sighed. Contemplating, he faced it and was just about to take a step closer to the doorbell when it suddenly opened and walked out the beauty he had been waiting for all along… the one who managed to make his morning somehow bright. “Hi.” He greeted her with a smile, his hands still in his pockets. “Hi?” It came more like a question from Ava. He just received a curious look from her and he found it cute when her brows furrowed in confusion. That was the reaction he was expecting. He kind of knew she would be having that look on her face like she was trying to process what was going on. She was looking at him weirdly. “You look… beautiful.” He was almost lost of words as he stared at her. She just looked so stunning in a nude fitted dress. It was sleeveless with a heart neckline and a hem that reached just above her knees. She made it look perfect with a pair of nude strap heels. And he just noticed that her nails were done. From black, they were now painted white. Realizing that he was shamelessly and bluntly checking her out, he lifted his head up and looked at her face. He cleared his throat when she was still looking at him weirdly. “You’re wearing lipstick.” He noticed it and it was red. A really bold one. “Your cheeks are pink.” He noticed it too. She had put some blush on. “I am,” Ava said, tucking pieces of hair behind her ear. Is that why she took quite some time to get downstairs? Zephyr almost smirked at the thought but he held it back. He now got the reason why. “I just figured out that I should also be driving you to work every morning. I mean we are going there anyway.” He was surprised that he did not stutter. She was just so stunning that he might not know what to say. “I am… surprised. That’s it.” Ava chuckled and started walking towards the elevator. “We should go now. I have a meeting at exactly 8:30.” She said. “Yeah, sure.” Zephyr was already walking side by side with her towards the elevator. When they arrived in the basement, he opened the car door for her as usual and got in the driver’s seat. Comfortable silence enveloped the atmosphere as they started maneuvering out of the basement. While he was focusing on the road, Zephyr could sense Ava glancing at him every now and then. It made him wonder what she was currently thinking. On her seat, Ava was honestly nervous but she was doing good at showing off that she was calm. She was so far from it. Right when she woke up, she pampered herself really well. She smelled so great already even if she had not worn her favorite perfume yet. She already prepared her outfit the night before Monday. She knew she had to put something on her face if she wanted to surprise him. She was taking her sweet time applying makeup on which she hadn’t done for a long time. She was even humming while she put her makeup on. She could not count how many times she attempted to make her eyeliner right until she ended up disregarding it and just put mascara on to add more volume to her already thick lashes. She wanted to put contact lenses on, but she remembered the way the man she was trying to impress look into her blue orbs. Yes, she is trying to impress someone and that is not other than her bodyguard, Zephyr Hernandez. Speaking of, she was happy with his reaction when she opened her door and saw him there. She did not expect him to be already there, waiting for her. The last week was with him reporting straight to the office. I just figured out that I should also be driving you to work every morning. I mean we are going there anyway. He would be driving her to work and driving her home from work. Didn’t it sound… tempting? Ava shook her head and looked out the window. The events from Saturday afternoon, under the sunset, popped into her head again, making her heart beat faster. She almost scolded herself for feeling so turned on just thinking about it. She could not help it. It was actually bugging her since it happened. It was a tempting memory that she wished to happen again, at the same not. But, she just could not forget everything… about him… and what he had done to her. His lips and those fingers that sent him to real climax, not just once, not twice, but multiple times. She was shaking underneath him, calling out his name like a madwoman. “What are you thinking about?” Ava’s heart fell out of her ribcage when Zephyr just spoke all of a sudden. “Damn.” She muttered while calming herself down. “Did I startle you?” “No.” She answered so fast and sarcastically. Zephyr just chuckled at her. “What is it that you were thinking about so deeply?” “Nothing.” She mumbled, facing out the window. She felt her cheeks heating up making her want to curse herself for thinking about it. It’s impossible not to. Her mind reasoned out. He’s right here beside me and we just can’t pretend that it happened. Why is he so calm, though? So unfair. “You seem so flushed. Are you okay?” Is he doing this on purpose? “I’m fine.” She cleared her throat. “Can you just drive faster?” “You drive faster, though.” That reply made her turn her head to look at him swiftly. “What?” A brow was raised. It sounded like it was meant to have a double meaning. There was something behind that sentence or was it only her mind that was making up such meaning? “You seem shocked. You are a great driver.” Zephyr said. Ava’s eyes were on his mouth as he talked. He said the latter statement slowly and airy. It was an almost slow motion before her eyes. She wished she could see the depths of his eyes but he was so focused on the road, Is he doing this on purpose? She asked herself again. Because if so, it’s working.             Zephyr, on the other hand, was enjoying her reaction. It was priceless. At first, he did not get why she was so stunned. He could read her and be guessing it might be because she was thinking about it. And so, he decided to get under her skin. She did not like to be vocal about s****l matters. She would rather not talk about it, but she knew exactly how to please him, even rode him like a cowgirl. She knew exactly how to make him almost beg for her. Almost. That’s not going to happen. He was about to make another teasing comment again, but then the company came to view. He made a turn down to the basement parking lot. He could make more comments like that when they’d be alone together again. Once he parked the car, he stepped out and rounded it to open the door for her usual but she beat him to it this time. He frowned at her. “I’m running late.” She dismissed, heading towards the elevator. Shaking his head, he followed after her and got inside the elevator. He was about to press the floor but she beat him to it again. “Did I do something wrong? You seem upset.” He asked, just could not get what was with her sudden change of mood. Women. That was one reason why he did not want to get in a relationship with them. So damn hard to please. “No.” He heard her mumble. “Okay.” He shrugged and just waited for the lift to stop, putting his hands in his pockets. ‘Ding’. The elevator sounded. Ava was the first one to step out. He followed but he just stopped in his tracks when she just stopped too. Confused, he stopped beside her, face ahead and he wished he was not that curious when his eyes landed on someone holding a bouquet of fresh red roses. Oh. He looked down at her. She seemed calm, no reaction. “Your boyfriend is waiting there smiling. Go.” He whispered but did not lean to her ear. She did not say anything and do as she said. He watched her walked towards the tall blonde guy and took the flowers from him. The guy’s smile was so wide. Zephyr took a deep breath as he watched him kiss Ava’s cheek. “It’s so good to see you again.” The guy said, snaking an arm around her waist and they started walking towards her office. Zephyr’s brows shot up as he followed them. His eyes stayed on the blonde’s arm that was still around her waist. She never mentioned she had a boyfriend. Oh, maybe it was a suitor. Boyfriends were a waste of time. That was what she said. After all, she mentioned that she had many suitors. Why am I surprised? When they stopped in front of the door, he stopped too. The guy turned to look at him. They locked eyes. Zephyr challenged him with a stare that said, ‘Who are you, and why are you here?’. It was just funny how the guy looked at them the same way too. “Who is this?” The guy asked, tore his eyes off Zephyr to look at Ava. Rolling his eyes, Zephyr looked at her shortly before turning around and stood right beside her door in a straight posture that completely told him he was a bodyguard. “That’s Zephyr, my bodyguard.” He heard Ava say. He did not move and just stood there. Can they just get inside and suck each other’s mouths now? “Oh. Nice to meet you, man.” Not nice. A hand was held out in front of him. He did not want to be rude so he shook hands with him but did not say anything. “Zeus Martins.” The guy said. “Wasn’t asking.” He muttered. “Excuse me?” “Zephyr Hernandez.” He gripped his hand tightly. When he finally let go, he almost smirked when he saw him rubbing the back of his palm. He looked younger than him. Blonde and blue-eyed. He just realized that the guys she was associated with were blonde. Are they her type? Why was he even concerned about that? I’m not. Anyway, he locked eyes with Ava before he looked away and faced ahead. With that, Ava and Zeus walked into her office and the door was locked. Taking a deep breath, Zephyr straightened and chose to ignore the sinking feeling in his heart. What the heck is wrong with me?                
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