At Dinner

736 Words

*Braxton* I could have left work at 4:00. All of my meetings were over with, and I was done for the weekend. But Cindy called me around 3:30 and told me it would be best if I met Julia at the restaurant I’d planned to take her to at 7:00. The shopping had gone well, and Cindy had arranged for a makeover for Julia. I didn’t think she needed that, but then, Cindy said it would be a nice treat for Julia, so I agreed to it. With getting her nails done and all of the other things that take so long for women to do, as well as eating a fancy lunch at the spa, it was taking longer than expected. So… I agreed to meet her at Solar and try not to be bitter that I have wasted a few of the precious hours I have with Julia. I stay at work until a little after 6:00. By then, the office is quiet except

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