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King Salvatore. Lead Stones. A company where I have devoted my entire life and sweat. However, it isn’t something that took the blood and sweat from my life due to the foundation they my great grandfather has already built. My great grandfather founded Lead University, an elite college that houses students of prestigious families. And my father founded several hotels and restaurants. I was supposed to follow their lead and I did exactly that. I started working on Lead Stones at the age of eighteen and it immediately took the country’s attention—amassing billions into the economy yearly. The hardest part of being the CEO of Lead stones would be dealing with my competitors, a notable one who is Donatello. I and Donetello have prejudice against one another for different reasons that are all related. After Lumen left her family, she began to work at Donatello’s night club as a stripper due to the loans that she owed. He was offering shelter to her as well as other suspecting young and old women. Due to the way the interest on her loans were amassing, Lumen applied for a nanny job and that is where I got introduced to her. Of course, I did a background check on her before giving her a chance. I did not want to give a woman who has ties to a gangster a job but my daughters immediately fell in love with her. They were at their happiest whenever she was at the scene. Thus, I paid off her loans and Donatello had no choice but to give her freedom. As I enter into the elevator doors, my polished shoes click against the marble floor, echoing in the opulent lobby of Lead Stones headquarters. As I enter, I adjust my tie with a self-assured demeanor. I have done many horrible things that I do not regret but threatening Lilas is not one of them. In some way, I couldn’t allow her to leave without evoking fear in her, especially the moment where she brought up my daughter. After my wife’s death, I began to live for them and them alone. The golden glow of the elevator's panel illuminates my face as I press the button for the executive floor. Among the hushed ambiance, I stands tall, the epitome of ambition, surrounded by an air of the unspoken prestige of the corporate realm. The door opens and my security bodyguard, Richard, greets me. “Morning, Sir.” Richard says. In the corporate world, he’s the head of my security team but in the underworld, he’s the head of my gang. Richard was the one who led a small team to save Lilas from Donatello’s men. Richard is clad in a meticulously tailored suit that conceals his robust physique. “Have you sent my message to Donatello?” I ask, navigating through the sleek corridor adorned with subtle, modern artwork. It is my floor and the only people that are allowed here are my assistants or whoever is given an appointment to see me. “Yes, sir. However, he is not willing to take the deal.” Richard says and I stop abruptly before walking into my office. “That f*****g bastard!” I say, moving towards my imposing mahogany desk, taking my seat. I stare at Richard, confused as to what to do next. I sent him to Donatello to strike a bargain deal of an amount that I would pay for his lost gold so that he would leave Lilas alone. It’s a great loss because I’m paying for something that I have no inkling to. “Double it and offer it again.” I say to Richard who looks at me in immense shock. “What? Sir, you offered a whopping sum of a hundred million dollars. And now, you want to double it?” Richard asks. “What else can I do!? Donatello will come for Lilas sooner or later. You have seen what happens to the young girls in his club. He will completely ruin her life.” I say, my teeth are gritted together at the amount which I am offering. “But how is that any of your business, sir?” Richard asks and I cross my legs on the revolving chair. I casually spin to face different directions and my fingers tap rhythmically on the armrests, a subtle expression of idle contemplation. “Just do it, Richard.” I say and he walks out of my office. I am unable to give a reasonable answer to why I’m paying for such a loss. If Lilas is left to pay it, it would destroy her life and the allure about her. I checked her school records and saw that she is exceptionally brilliant. It is obvious that there is a bright future for her and Donatello is nothing but a vacuum. I look at my watch, wondering what time she would arrive here to start working. I picked up the sleek and professional telephone. It is a streamlined design featuring a modern keypad with well-spaced buttons for effortless dialing. The black, glossy surface reflects the ambient office light. “Daisy, come into my office.” I say, referring to my secretary who is on standby on the second floor. In one minute, she knocks at the door and enters my office. “Yes, sir?“ Daisy says. “Have you printed the scope of work for Lilas Light? She will be working shifts in the office after class hours.” I say, raising my eyes to stare at my secretary assistant. “Yes, sir. I have. Um…I thought it would be too early if we brought her into the jewelry designing team. She is still a college student and she has the least experience. Madam Cognet has gone through Miss Lilas schedule and she agrees that the girl has talent.” Daisy says. “So?” I ask, wondering what the next thing is. “In the first two weeks, Madam Conget has decided that Lilas will distribute designs to all heads of departments including you, collect the approved designs, and clean up after the designers.” Daisy says. “Fine.” I say, wondering if Lilas would be able to stand in the professional world.
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