#Chapter 14 – Shifting lessons.

1570 Words

Enzo’s POV “Are you sure about this?” Bastien asked once I explained what happened with Sarah. “Why would Lila want to keep this from me?” “She thinks there’s good in Sarah and doesn’t think that punishing her will do her any good. For whatever reason, she just wants peace.” “Yeah, that sounds like something she would say,” Bastien sighed. “Even so, this is still a punishable crime, even if Lila made a speedy recovery. But I’m afraid without proper proof, I won’t be able to do anything.” “Can’t you speak to the board?” I asked. “Or maybe I can speak to them—” “And then what? It’ll get dismissed if we go to them without proper proof. Not to mention Sarah’s father basically owns that school. If he gets word that his daughter is being accused of a crime, he won’t stop fighting us. If

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