#Chapter 9 – The drive back to campus

1601 Words

Lila’s POV Why did it have to be Professor Enzo that comes to pick me up? How was I going to get through an entire drive back to campus? It was an hour away. He showed up a few minutes after I finished packing. I could hear him speaking to my father in the foyer of the packhouse. “Thanks again for taking her back to school. I don’t want to take any chances,” my father said to him. “Any leads on who could have done this?” “None yet; she thinks it could have been her ex-boyfriend though. Or possibly the girl he was with. I don’t have any evidence on that though.” “I can look into it as the school,” Enzo offered. “I appreciate that. Report to me any findings. I might send some of my men there too. Just to be safe.” “We’ll keep in touch,” Enzo said, shaking my father’s hand.

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