#Chapter 36 – Repainting the portrait.

1583 Words

Enzo’s POV Her powers were truly incredible. I could no longer feel the sting of the dagger and the wound was completely healed. It was as if it was never there, to begin with. Lila used her powers so casually as if she’s done it a thousand times before, but I’m beginning to realize that maybe she hasn’t. She didn’t say anything after I told her that she could use my portrait for her project; she trailed after me silently, keeping her head down. But I could sense that she was pleased. Max praised me for my generosity toward her. A small smile was tugging at her lips, but she was stifling it. She was afraid to show me any kind of emotion. I suppose I haven’t been making it very easy for her. Encountering the wolf who attacked my mother was only proof that Lila wasn’t safe, and I

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