#Chapter 71 – I can’t imagine a world without him.

1452 Words

Lila’s POV The rest of the car ride was quiet, which was probably a good thing. As soon as we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car and began to run toward the main entrance. I saw Becca right away and she was already talking to one of the doctors. It looked like I was arriving just in time. Becca looked relieved to see me and waved me over to join in on their conversation. “What’s going on? How’s Rachel?” I asked as I approached them. “I was just telling Becca that your friend is going to be okay,” the doctor said. “However, it could have been a lot worse. I have some pamphlets on rehab facilities if you’d like to take one for her. I suggest she seeks the help she clearly needs.” I didn’t think Rachel would ever want to return to rehab; not after the last time she went.

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