#Chapter 62 – Did you mean what you said?

1431 Words

  Lila’s POV “What’s going on?” I asked as Brody quickly pulled away from me. I recognized the sound of Rachel’s piercing scream right away. I had never heard her sound like this before, but I knew it was her. The sound made its way through the hospital, bouncing off the walls and sending chills down everyone’s spine. My heart fell into my stomach as I imagined what could possibly be wrong. Then, she said words that felt like a knife to my stomach. “Ryan!!! You can’t be dead!!!” She screamed and sobbed. The hospital nurses and doctors were holding her back, pulling her out of the room. Brody had the curtain of my section open, and I could see them physically pulling her away. She fought them every step of the way though. It broke my heart to see her like this. My only hope

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