#Chapter 59 – House Party

1570 Words

Lila’s POV We could hear the music a mile before we even got to the house. It was so loud, and it wasn’t anything I even recognized. The house was packed when we got there; there were students from the academy inside and outside. Most of which I recognized. I supposed if we got in trouble, at least we’d all be in it together. It’s not like they could suspend all of us. Rachel draped her arm through mine and pulled me through the crowd of students who were already drinking and dancing. Becca trailed closely behind us, seemingly nervous. Like me, Becca wasn’t much of a partier. But after the week she had, I couldn’t blame her for wanting to let loose. We made our way inside and I instantly smelled beer. The music was making my brain rattle because of how loud it was. Ryan had

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