#Chapter 55 – Training the children

1596 Words

Third Person POV So, Lila is Enzo’s student and his apparent crush. It’s quite obvious that Lila has a thing for him as well, but it is simply a thing that can’t ever happen. It’s a scandal that Enzo wouldn’t want to get out and Bethany was planning on eating that up. Whatever kind of crush he had on her, wasn’t going to last with Bethany there. There was nobody like Bethany and she was going to make sure that everybody in this pack, including Enzo, knew that. Soon, they won’t even remember Lila’s name. Enzo was in his office when Bethany brought him his food. He’s basically been living in this office since he arrived home. “How about you take a break and have some food,” she said, placing a plate of stir-fry in front of him. He glanced at it briefly, uninterested, before lo

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