#Chapter 47 – An innocent dance.

1360 Words

  Lila’s POV I could feel his eyes on me when I was dancing with Brody. Enzo stayed off in the corner, but he was watching me like he was hungry, and I was his dinner. I wasn’t sure why that excited me so much. Maybe because I finally had the advantage over him. If he could be with Connie without a second thought about me, then I should be able to dance with Brody without feeling guilty. It’s not like he wanted me, so what did I have to feel guilty about? Brody had his hands around my waist when we danced; I had to admit that I felt a little bit uncomfortable, but I didn’t stop him. I held myself close to him and swayed to the music. I promised him this dance after all. I caught Rachel watching us with a proud smile on her face and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore her, but

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