#Chapter 42 – Visiting hours.

1608 Words

Enzo’s POV “Hey, Enzo!” Bastien called me over from across the exhibit. He was with a few other Alphas. I wondered if they saw me leaving the bathroom area with Lila trailing behind me. But when I turned to glance in Lila’s direction, she wasn’t there. She was smart; she must have been waiting a couple of minutes before she walked out of the bathroom. “I was just telling the guys of your efforts to find the person who poisoned my daughter,” Bastien said with a proud smile as I approached. It oddly enough made me feel good that he was praising me for something I would have done without him asking me to. It shouldn’t have mattered what Bastien thought, but for some reason, I was finding myself almost wanting his approval. Perhaps because he was the head of the committee and if I g

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