#Chapter 101 – Bethany’s cruelty

1571 Words

Lila’s POV “Is that Professor Enzo?” Becca asked, stepping beside me, and following my gaze to the window of an incredibly fancy restaurant. My heart clenched in a tight knot, and I felt Val lowering her head in sorrow as we watched our mate on a date with another woman. “Yes,” I said, my voice sounding incredibly far away. Brianna gasped as she also saw what we were looking at. “With Bethany Rochelle?!” “They are interested in each other,” I said, my voice now sounding strained. “We should get out of here and finish shopping. We didn’t get nearly enough clothes,” Bri said, trying to avert my attention. She draped an arm through mine and began pulling me away, but I couldn’t peel my eyes away from the scene in front of me. This was too painful; it felt like someone had punch

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