#Chapter 91 – Safe and sound

1354 Words

  Lila’s POV I woke up groggily in a different bed than when I passed out in. I felt a stinging in my head, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t manage. I groaned miserably for a moment as I reached for my head and felt a tight bandage wrapped around it. “Don’t move too much, Lila Bean,” I heard the familiar and comforting voice of my mother from beside me. “You’ve gone through the wringer and your wolf isn’t fully healed yet.” I opened my eyes, wincing at the bright lighting of the room until my eyes adjusted and I was able to see that I was in a hospital. My mother stood at my bedside with worry clear in her eyes, but she also looked relieved to see that I was awake. “Welcome back, sweetie,” she breathed, leaning down and kissing the top of my head. “Mom?” I whispered hoarsely.

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