#Chapter 138 – Whispers on the Beach

1360 Words

Lila’s POV My phone buzzed on my desk, and I glanced to see Enzo’s name scrolling across the top. I texted him earlier to tell him I was running a little behind this evening to come grab me at 6:30 instead of 6. I hadn’t heard from him, but I assumed that was because he was busy At his Alpha lunch. “Dinner?” Was all the text message said. What did that mean? Was he asking me to dinner? Or asking if I wanted dinner? Was there a difference? My stomach growled at the very thought of food; I hadn’t thought about food all day and I was starving. The Art show was still going on outside Cassidy Ann’s office door, but the number of guests was lessening. Thank goodness, because I wasn’t sure how much of this, I could take tonight. I was starving. “I could go for some burgers,” I texte

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