#Chapter 129 – Art Class

1518 Words

Lila’s POV Both Enzo and Connie dropped me off at the academy where I went straight to Cassidy-Ann’s new office in the art section of the school. My entire heart was so heavy as I watched Enzo leave with Connie trailing closely behind him. I couldn’t believe they were actually leaving to go to the beach together. Cassidy-Ann had my desk set up in the corner of her office and I set all my things up on the desk to make it a little more unique. I started the morning by working on Cassidy-Ann’s upcoming schedule for the weeks to come. Which included, but was not limited to, important meetings and interviews, art signings, art shows, banquets, important dinners, future assemblies, and local parties. She was certainly going to be very busy during her time here. I logged into her websi

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