#Chapter 127 – A Drunk Lila

1218 Words

Enzo’s POV “Alpha Enzo!!!! You showed up!!! Look everybody, it’s my professor! He’s also my ma—” I covered Lila’s mouth with my hand and wrapped my other arm around her to keep her still. My face was hot with fury. She was out of her goddamn mind. She tried to say something through my hand, but I tightened my hold on her, causing her words to be muffled. “I’m sorry to have called you,” Em said, with a worried frown. “I didn’t know who else to call and I know you are kind of like her bodyguard.” “How much did she have to drink?” My voice came out tired and annoyed sounding. “Just a few beers. But she drank them quickly.” Lila struggled against me, trying to get me to let her go. “I appreciate the call,” I said to her as I turned away with Lila still in my grasp. I lifte

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