#Chapter 123 – Hot Tub

1326 Words

  Lila’s POV I stayed quiet. I wasn’t sure what else I could do or say. It’s not like I was surprised; Cassidy-Ann was incredibly beautiful and very single. She was married at one point but divorced him a few years ago. She fought him on everything and won literally everything he had. Not that she needed any of his stuff; she was already rich before she married. But she always said, “It served him right.” I was still a little flustered from what Enzo was just doing a few minutes ago. I couldn’t even wrap my head around it long enough to be mad at him. It was careless and childish and inappropriate. I had never been more humiliated in my life; although it’s not like anyone knew what he was doing under the table. But still. Cassidy-Ann’s room key remained in front of us, and

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